Mrs. Ferenc Gyurcsány met with the representative of the Tata SE, who died twenty days after a coronavirus.


He also met two people on Ferencné Gyurcsány’s campaign tour, who later died of a coronavirus. Ms. Gyurcsány visited Tata and Tatabánya on March 2 and then announced on March 5 that she was infected with a coronavirus. A few days ago, a DK municipal representative died in Tata and spoke with Ms. Gyurcsány. In Tatabánya, a municipal worker died from the disease, also after Ms. Gyurcsány met with the SE mayor at the town hall. It is not possible to know if the epidemiological rules were followed in these meetings, but it is true that in many places Mrs. Gyurcsány did not wear a mask, this is shown by the photographs. We also sent questions about Gyurcsányné and DK about the case, but we have not yet received a response.

Ms. Gyurcsánya went on a campaign tour at the end of February. He first went to Szeged, then to Tata and Tatabánya, on March 2, 2021. This was also written on Facebook by the representative of Károly Gyűrűs, who later died of a coronary virus. Neither Gyurcsányné nor Erik Konczer, who invited her, wears a mask in the image.


Mrs. Gyurcsány announced on March 5, 2021 that it was coronavirus. “We are calling everyone I have met on the phone in the last few days,” he wrote on his Facebook.


As can be seen in the image above, and we can verify it with several additional recordings: Mrs. Gyurcsány in several caseshe regularly ignored the use of masks and did not maintain the required distance of one and a half meters. This was the case even when Ms Gyurcsány stated otherwise on the ATV:

“Yes, that is exactly what I wanted to ask, because it is not a life insurance country to walk in a third wave,” the journalist asked, to which Ms Gyurcsany replied:

“No, and we are very careful, so we really wear a mask all the time, we constantly disinfect our hands, we try to keep our distance.”

This was apparently not true at all.

The late DK representative met with Gyurcsányné

Then, Ms. Gyurcsány fell ill after meeting with several activists from her party and several left-wing mayors without a mask and without keeping their distance. He also met Károly Gyűrűs, from whom the first image and Facebook post above came. Ring was the SE representative for Tata Township. He died on March 22, 2021 from a coronavirus infection.

It is not possible to know from whom Gyűrűs received the virus, but it is true – he himself writes about it – that he met Gyurcsányné at Lake Tata and they talked to each other.


The first photo shows Erik Gyurcsányné Konczer, a local SE politician, in the company of the leader of the left-wing faction of the Komárom-Esztergom County Assembly, without a mask. Konczer appeared as the DK candidate in the county’s number one constituency. in the party’s February anti-vaccine post. Konczer later posted a negative test on his social media site. However, when Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife and the county faction leader met, it is possible that Gyűrűs, who later died of a coronavirus and reported his conversation with Gyurcsány, was not present.

The incubation period of the virus is 2 to 14 days (5 to 6 days in most cases) and, as the NNK wrote in a package insert, the patient can become infected within 48 hours before the onset of symptoms , but illnesses have been confirmed within three days. We do not know when the first symptoms appeared in Gyurcsányne.

A visit to Tatabánya

Ms. Gyurcsány also visited Tatabánya on the day of her visit to Tata. He made a video at the local hospital and visited the elected mayor with the support of DK. None of them wore masks at this meeting.


In mid-March 2021, less than two weeks after Gyurcsány’s visit, an employee of the Tatabánya municipality was hospitalized for a coronavirus. The 57-year-old private lady died shortly after, according to our information.

In this case, it is also not possible to know who could have contracted the infection.

Three facts can be recorded that, and this is important, do not prove the participation of Mrs. Gyurcsány, they can only come from a coincidence in time, but they can also be notable:

  1. The lady was a senior official in the mayor’s office who met frequently with the mayor.
  2. The mayor took photos with Gyurcsányné without observing the mask and the necessary protection distance.
  3. The lady went to the hospital after visiting Gyurcsány.

Furthermore, it is also a fact that Mrs. Gyurcsány and her fellow party members photographed Tata without a mask in Tatabánya.


Ms. Gyurcsány went on a tour without a mask

As previously reported in Origó, Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife became a coronavirus. However, before that, Gyurcsány visited several settlements in the middle of the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic and, in the meantime, consulted with several left-wing politicians without a protective mask.

The first stop on Ms. Gyurcsány’s national tour was Szeged, including László Botka’s office.

Ms. Gyurcsány did not wear a protective mask during her negotiations with László Botka, András Nemény and the management of Dunaújváros.

Source: Origo

We asked Gyurcsányn about the meetings.

We also sent our questions to Ferencné Gyurcsány and the DK press office. We were interested in:

  • Was he in a mask and kept his distance when he met Charles the Ring, who later died of a coronavirus?
  • He claimed to have contacted everyone after finding out it was coronavirus. Did you also get in touch with Károly Ring?
  • Did you meet the 57-year-old municipal worker from Tatabánya, who also died of a coronavirus?
  • Do you feel responsible for your rural campaign in the third wave of the coronavirus, especially considering that the images show that many times he did not wear a mask and met people without following the mandatory distance?

So far no response has been received, as soon as Mrs. Gyurcsány responds, we will write to her.
