Slovak Prime Minister exchanges office with his finance minister


Igor Matovic The Slovak prime minister announced on Sunday that he is willing to change the government’s positions. Eduard heger Minister of Finance and withdraws his conditions against his coalition partners in order to resolve the government crisis, writes MTI, according to the Slovak public service news agency TASR.

According to New Word, the prime minister said:

On the eve of Holy Week, which we celebrate as a symbol of suffering, sacrifice and forgiveness, I decided to make a gesture to the people who demanded my resignation.

Igor Matovic’s announcement was welcomed by the parties of the Slovak four-party ruling coalition, especially the strongest that demanded the resignation of the prime minister. Richard Sulík led by the Liberal Party for Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and the People’s Party (Za ludí), Veronika Remisová He described Matovic’s announcement as a “gesture worthy of a statesman.” SAS already suspended its participation in the coalition last week.

The New Word writes that Heger accepts Matovič’s request and will attend the Za ľudí Bureau meeting on Sunday to ask for his support. If the coalition parties also lend their support, Heger will request a meeting on Monday Zuzana Caputova of the head of state.

Igor Matovic had already indicated a week ago that he was willing to resign as prime minister and take up another government post if his coalition partners kept their previously made promises and resigned from their posts. Meanwhile, some of these conditions were met. In the Slovak ruling coalition, the situation became tense a few weeks ago due to different views of different parties on the management of the epidemic, which became even more enraged after the prime minister decided against the liberals to buy Slovakia from the Russian vaccine Sputnik V.

In Matovic’s announcement, the SaS indicated that it would welcome Igor Matovic’s decision, “would accept the offer” and that it was willing to return to government. Veronika Remisová, president of the Popular Party, praised Matovic’s decision, saying the decision was an important step towards a fundamental improvement in cooperation within the coalition.

Chairman of the second largest party in the ruling coalition, the center-right Family (Sme rodina), Boris Kollár He also welcomed Igor Matovic’s decision. He expressed his hope that this would end the crisis in the coalition. He warned that if repeated, his party would leave the coalition. Already last week, Kollár warned that the coalition crisis should not drag on any longer, because if an agreement is not reached before the end of next week, early elections may be held.

A week ago, Igor Matovic further conditioned his departure from the post of prime minister. Mainly to leave those positions that were the loudest when demanding their departure. Matovic is then in person Richard Suli Economy Minister, Mária Kolíková Minister of Justice and Juraj Seliga, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Bratislava and Jana Bittó CigánikovaHe mentioned the name of the president of the parliamentary health commission. During the week, Sulík and Kolíková resigned, but Bittó Cigániková and Seliga did not. Nor was Matovic’s condition that the coalition redistribute ministerial posts strictly on the basis of the post-election balance of power was met. Referring to this, Matovic asked that SaS and People be given more cabinet positions based on their weight.
