The teachers get vaccinated, but Orbán and Gulyás talk as if they were pulling their teeth


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After being demanded by unions for weeks, the government announced this week that it would allow off-shift teachers to be vaccinated.

For this, a special communication was chosen, which we noticed on Friday morning from Viktor Orbán, Kossuth’s radio interview and Saturday’s Facebook post from Minister Gergely Gulyás. They both praised the teachers while commenting on them, not even covertly winking at those who are upset by this move.

At one point, Orbán described his work as valuable, but in the meantime he mentioned the “non-pedagogical” voices:

“Of course, there will be a lot of debate as to whether it is okay to bring educators early. Well, educators don’t have an easy job anyway. They do a very important job, perhaps the most important, because we still entrust our own children to them. There are families in which educators spend more time with the child than parents. So your work is particularly valuable, at the same time we have those summer vacations, that’s why we know these voices that criticize educators, that’s why not everyone is an educator in this country. There is much injustice in this view that summer is not working and so on. My mother retired as a special education teacher anyway, so I also know the exact color and background of this. But now the situation is that if we want our children to go back to school, which is important, we must vaccinate the teachers. I ask everyone, including those who may have reservations about educators, to accept this. “

Orbán and Gulyás in parliament in DecemberPhoto: Bruzák Noémi / MTI / MTVA

On Saturday, Goulash criticized the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) for saying they considered themselves an opposition party – despite criticism that their basic demand had been met.

He also highlighted the responsible work of teachers by immediately adding that others do not receive such special treatment. “There are many who, like teachers, meet a lot of people every day because of their work and they don’t go out of line with vaccines. Educating and educating future generations is undoubtedly one of the most responsible tasks. Therefore, the PDSZ’s request and the government’s decision were justified. Even after complying with the union’s request, he scolds the government and tries, otherwise unsuccessfully, to tune in against opening schools in more than three weeks. This is clear evidence that both school education and the teachers they represent are secondary to the PDSZ. The main one is to seek a conflict with the government. Even during the most difficult period of the epidemic. This is irresponsible and regrettable. “

The PDSZ protested on Friday that the schools would open on April 19, which is premature because, according to the announced vaccination schedule, there will not be enough time for everyone to develop adequate protection.

Viktor Orbán said on Friday that after eight or nine days, the vaccine will be effective, but this is not true: some protection can be developed during this time, but the official vaccine expert also says that more should be expected. Previously, Cecília Müller also spoke, with good reason, that two or three weeks after vaccination, everyone was still at risk.

Educators have been pushed to the vaccination schedule in enough countries to consider operating schools in the safest conditions possible. The Hungarian vaccination plan also included certain professional groups, such as law enforcement officials, politicians or courts, and prosecutors, without a union request.

