Index – Economy – The Hungarian was hungry and earned more than a hundred million with him


A prestigious international award was received in London by a Hungarian startup, not yet two and a half years old. At the World Food Innovation Awards, I activated FiberShake ranked first in the “Best Healthy Drink” category, starting with companies like Aldi, Nestlé or Danone.

Not only is it quick to prepare, it’s also healthy, as a single serving can provide a third of your daily fiber needs – ten grams. The mixture of fiber from banana peel, inulin and guar flour supports the intestinal flora and helps the intestinal movement, and together with the liquid it swells the stomach and saturates it for hours with a low calorie intake.

Bálint Vadász, founder of the brand, told Index.

And where did the idea come from?

It wasn’t like that in the marketplace, so he created it.

Bálint Vadász invented it in 2016, when he was working for a multi-company. Because she did not have time to eat well due to a lot of work, she was looking for foods that could be prepared quickly, but also healthy and delicious. Since he couldn’t find one that met all three criteria at once, he figured he would do it himself. But it wasn’t easy, because when he started looking for a manufacturing partner to bring his ideas to life,

everyone chased him away, saying he couldn’t make the product that fast, healthy, and delicious at the same time.

In the end, they only managed to find the right partner with whom they made the recipe for two years.

It came at a price because I stuck to my idea, I didn’t compromise on ingredients and flavors either. I wanted an experience like the most delicious dessert, but it was just as important to be healthy. At the time, he was in a middle management position at a multi-company. For two years on the job, I worked every sunrise for the product to be born.

Bálint Vadász said.

The speed is reduced as the powder must mix with the liquid and it is ready in one minute.

It is also healthy due to its high fiber content, and according to reviews, it helps many people with various small health problems, be it bloating or indigestion.

In addition, the imbalance of the intestinal flora can be associated with a number of serious diseases,

for example, with depression, obesity or even cardiovascular changes, that is, it can also help in these areas.

As for the third “ingredient,” according to Bálint Vadász, the toughest question was how to solve it to make FiberShake a delicious dessert experience. The solution to this was to put Belgian cocoa in the chocolate product, real powdered peanut butter in the peanut butter, real coffee in the coffee, not just coffee aroma, etc. This, of course, complicates sourcing and manufacturing, but it will taste really good, disproving the commonplace that most healthy products aren’t delicious.

Significant income from the start

After two years of experimentation, the correct build was finally born, Bálint Vadász resigned from his workplace and released the FiberShake activated on October 17, 2018.

At first, we sold it once, for which we made a unique stainless steel stirrer. We sold fifteen thousand servings in five months through the web store, people loved it so we launched the other flavors too

– told our newspaper Bálint Vadász, who set aside the money in ten years and started the business with the help of his family, that is, from the first moment it was important for him to have a positive cash flow and keep the company in business. growth.

There is hardly any reason to complain in this area as

After sales revenue of 3.5 million guilders in the first year, the company already generated 75 million in revenue in the second year, and revenue is expected to double this year.

The success so far is only compounded by first place in the “Best Health Drink” category.

It is a highly prestigious competition that can be accessed from all over the world. Although customers are the most important thing to us, I am also very happy with the award, because with this, the industry has also recognized that we have produced a world-class product. It was rewarded for being easy to make, and we were able to work it out to be delicious and cover the ten grams of fiber needed for a meal, which is roughly a half pound of broccoli.

– said Bálint Vadász, who also revealed that before winning the award, they had already started to expand into the international market, and the customer base had already been established in Germany, and sales in Romania started in March.

And presumably this is just the beginning.

(Cover image: activated)
