Slovenian Prime Minister has been censored in the European Parliament


The refusal to present a video of press freedom in Slovenia to the European Parliament (EP) with censorship is censored, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa said in a debate on the issue in the Committee on Internal Affairs, Civil Liberties and Justice of the PE (LIBE) on Friday.

In her speech, Jansa said that opinions differed on the situation of press freedom there, and objectivity can only be ensured by knowing the facts.

According to him, a moving compilation was prepared for this, which shows, among other things, attacks on journalists, assassination attempts that have been carried out in Slovenia since the beginning of the country’s independence. Declared by: Unlike its predecessor, the current Slovenian government has nothing to hide. He is ready for dialogue on all issues, including the rule of law and freedom of the press.

“We have nothing to hide, just ask that we judge things objectively,” he said.

It was not screened due to technical and time constraints.

In the European Parliament debate, despite Jansa’s request, Dutch liberal MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld, who chaired the video conference, did not allow the video compilation to be screened, citing technical and time constraints.

Jansa had previously expressed her hope that she would have enough time to view the video, believing that refusing to show the film was not in line with guaranteeing media freedom, and if it did, the parliamentary commission would use censorship. He also stated: the real reason for rejecting the screening is to disagree with the content you want to present in the video.“If we talk about freedom of the press, I would like you to defend it,” the Slovenian prime minister told the Dutch member.

Sophie in ‘t Veld closed the debate saying that “there is no reason to accuse anyone of censorship.” Europe is not opposed to the prime minister of Slovenia, he added.

The commission regrets that the exchange of views has been interrupted

Following the debate, the EP committee issued a statement regretting that the exchange of views had been interrupted because Jansa had left the meeting. It was described as regrettable that the immediate screening of the video, which arrived a few minutes before the meeting, became a precondition for the Slovenian Prime Minister to continue the discussion.

Janez Jansa says that it comes with censorship that the film is not screenedSource: AFP / Jure Makovec

They were also informed that the recording was shared with all committee members after the meeting. MEPs expressed the hope that the Slovenian leadership will remain ready for an open and constructive debate.
