The Hungarian government received serious criticism from the Capitol


Another criticism reached the Hungarian government in Washington: the Senate Democratic leader called “Orbán’s Hungary” a third world autocracy. Chuck Schumer is already the second influential American politician to rank Hungary among authoritarian regimes in the past two weeks. But former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright also joined the ranks of critics this month. And the US State Department wrote to Magyar Hang that they also had concerns.

If a political party thinks it wants to win an election not by getting more votes, but by preventing the other party from voting, that is an existential threat to democracy. If we don’t stop these evil and often racist actions, we are paving the way for third-world autocracies like Erdogan’s Turkey and Orbán’s Hungary, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Wednesday. The theme of the House committee meeting was that some US member states would introduce stricter laws in their elections, and the veteran politician cited Hungary and Turkey as examples of deterrence, the weekly writes.

Chuck Schumer spoke about relations in Hungary after the US secretary of state spoke with his V4 counterparts on the sidelines of the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels on Tuesday. After the meeting, Péter Szijjártó was optimistic about bilateral relations.

Ahead of Tuesday’s meeting, the US State Department also wrote on the Magyar Hang issue: The United States is willing to cooperate with Hungary in a number of common interests, including security, law enforcement, economy and energy. . However, in our dialogue with Hungarian officials, we will also raise our concerns about Hungary’s democratic institutional system, human rights and international obligations.

According to the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Hungarian government is also autocratic

The situation in Hungary has been a topic for two weeks in the Foreign Affairs Committee, which has traditionally played an important role in American foreign policy. The Democratic chairman of the board, Bob Menendez, classified Hungary among the autocratic states.

“From Turkey through Hungary and Venezuela to the Philippines, autocratic governments are systematically reducing the constitutional checks and balances that control their power. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has helped accelerate some of their movements, finding an excuse to consolidate their power and repress their independence. “Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Madeleine Albright also joined the ranks of the judges

Foreign Minister Madeleine Albright from the 1990s also joined the ranks of outspoken critics of the Hungarian government this month. The diplomat also spoke to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10 that Viktor Orbán had rolled back democracy and was building nationalism. The former foreign minister added that the United States needs to strengthen its toolkit to address these challenges.
