Point 7 of the great Easter reopening plan, but what will change yet?


In a brief extraordinary briefing on Friday afternoon, Gergely Gulyás outlined the latest government decisions related to the restrictive measures. He stated in his speech: no opening is allowed at the moment. This suggests that all the measures currently in force until March 29 (restrictions in force since November last year and measures introduced since March 8) will be extended in time. Based on this, we can expect that in the government decree that will be published this weekend, only the temporary effect will be extended until mid-April, that is, the restrictive measures will finally stay with us for at least another 2-3 weeks.

Key information about the new measures:

  1. It will start by reaching 2.5 million vaccinated people, scheduled for after Easter. (Gergely Gulyás already explained this detail on Thursday).
  2. The curfew lasts from 10 am to 5 pm (This is currently between 8 pm and 5 am).
  3. Stores can be open from 5 to 22 hours. (Under current rules, this is between 5 a.m. and 7 p.m.)
  4. All stores can open, but the rule of only 1 buyer per 10 square meters must be followed. (Under current rules, only certain stores are open.)
  5. In the service area, the rules return before March 8. (Under current rules, which have been in effect since March 8, a room or venue providing a service that requires a personal appearance is required to be closed, but there are already many exceptions to this rule.Available before March 8 , that is, restaurants and restaurants and hotels cannot receive guests.)
  6. The teachers’ vaccination will begin on April 1. We have written more about the challenges here.
  7. Schools are expected to open on April 19, from kindergarten through high school. (All of these institutions are currently closed and digital education is ongoing.)

Cover image source: MTI / Tamás Sóki
