Index – National – Opening can only be after Easter


The third wave of the epidemic presents the country with a more serious challenge than ever. With the current numbers, no opening can be conceived. We ask everyone to respect the rules in force during the Easter holidays, announced Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, in an extraordinary briefing on Friday afternoon.

The minister said the government had discussed proposals made by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) to relax the strict rules. Although the cabinet supports the initiative, they see a change that will be possible if the number of people vaccinated exceeds two and a half million. According to current calculations, this could happen a few days after Easter. Later, according to Gergely Gulyás, the epidemiological restrictions will be alleviated in the following steps:

  • The curfew will begin at ten instead of eight at night and will last until five in the morning.
  • The stores can be open from five in the morning until ten thirty.
  • All stores can open, however stores must ensure that only one customer for every ten square meters can be inside.
  • Schools will open on April 19 according to current plans.
  • Teacher vaccination will begin April 1, and it is estimated that registered educators will be able to receive the vaccine in just over a week.
  • In the area of ​​services, the regulations will be applied again before March 8.

The third wave of the coronavirus epidemic is in full swing, and as a result, everyone is being asked to be more careful in the coming weeks, including the Easter period. We just have to persevere for a few weeks to get our lives back to normal, Gergely Gulyás said.

As we wrote, the members of the operative tribe, Miklós Kásler, Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources, Antal Rogán, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister and Sándor Pintér, met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán . During their meeting, a decision was made on Tuesday’s proposals from the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), which called for the reopening of the sector per square meter.

MKIK’s announcement on Tuesday said that the chamber recommended for retail stores that a so-called reopen based on square meters be held in that sector as follows:

  • In the case of commercial premises, only one client for every 5 to 10 square meters could be indoors. For stores larger than 100 square feet, you can get 15 or 20 square feet per person.
  • In the case of shopping malls and shopping centers, individual regulation would be necessary, but even in these businesses they would urge compliance with restrictions based on the square meter.
  • To comply with hygiene standards, hand disinfection would be carried out in a controlled manner after entering stores and service points.
  • For the sector of physical contact services (such as hairdresser, beautician, shoe repair, dry cleaner, seamstress, etc.), the use of a regulation based on square meters is proposed, as in commerce, combined with the epidemiological requirements to be met. , such as distance between clients, limitation of the number of clients, disinfection after clients, use of protection devices to prevent the spread of the virus.

(Cover image: Gergely Gulyás. Photo: Government of Hungary / Facebook)
