The European Parliament has asked the commission to apply the rule of law mechanism; otherwise, they will go to court.


The European Parliament (EP) is ready to take legal action against the European Commission if the Brussels executive continues to delay the application of the rule of law established to protect the EU budget, MEPs said in a resolution adopted in plenary in Brussels. Thursday.

In a resolution passed by 529 votes to 148 and ten abstentions, MEPs pointed out, above all, that failure by member states to comply with the rule of law could jeopardize the European Union budget.

In this context, the European Commission has been warned that if it does not do everything in its power to protect the financial interests and values ​​of the Union, “the European Parliament considers this to be an omission and initiates proceedings under the relevant article of the EU Treaty “. “.

They stress that the rule of law must be applied without delay, especially as the European funds disbursed will soon be disbursed. If the EU commission considers it necessary to draw up specific guidelines, they should be ready by 1 June. To adopt them, the commission must seek the opinion of the European Parliament, they added.

The Fidesz group in the European Parliament said in a statement to the MTI that the European left openly threatens the European Commission with the adoption of the resolution, exerting unprecedented political pressure on it, if it does not immediately and retroactively sanction dissident Member States. politicians.

As recalled, in December 2020, EU leaders agreed to a seven-year EU framework budget and recovery fund to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic. The agreement states that political and ideological conditions cannot be imposed on Member States regarding the use of EU budgetary resources. In mid-March, Hungary and Poland appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Union to examine whether the rule of law was compatible with the EU Treaty. The European Commission has pledged not to apply the regulation pending a judicial investigation.

The left majority has escalated ideological battles to divide the union: it has threatened the European Commission and is exerting strong political pressure on EU judges in an ongoing case.

– Fidesz MEPs said in their statement.

According to Fidesz, as one of the co-authors of the PE resolution Cseh katalin, the Momentum Movement MEP, the Hungarian left has once again shown that it does not shy away from any means of trying to take away EU funds belonging to Hungary, Hungarian citizens. The Hungarian left enthusiastically supports and takes the lion’s share in the European Parliament’s attacks that condemn Hungary on a political and ideological basis, and are working with all their energies against their own country, they wrote.


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