Index – Domestic – András Lánczi: Orbán is the guarantee that the regime change is still taking place


The rector of the Corvinus University of Budapest gave an extensive interview to the weekly Mandiner and, among other things, asked if Fidesz would still be behind Viktor Orbán, he stated:

Fidesz is and will be as long as he is active in politics.

According to András Lánczi, the whole way of thinking and mentality of Viktor Orbán is motivated by the fact that

In fact, let’s break with the decades that have been deeply ingrained in people’s thinking, attitudes, and culture.

The philosopher added: you have to break with modesty, which is not easy, that is why a cultural, mental transformation is needed.

The Prime Minister knows exactly this, he is motivated by all his decisions, no matter what the opposition says. Without him, his successful political career cannot be interpreted. Post-communism ends when we feel like it’s over

He told the Mandiner.

By the way, András Lánczi believes that Viktor Orbán “has a well thought-out image of the State, which is the main institutional framework of the Hungarian political and cultural community.” Hence the relationship of the Prime Minister with the people, democracy and culture.

For the past ten years, Hungary has been governed by clearly conservative ideas and principles.

Added the philosopher.

In contrast, he argued, Western culture began to “settle on itself,” which “claimed that there was no need for religion, philosophy, antiquity, the Middle Ages.”

It also answered Mandiner’s question about how well it fits into the government’s moral judgment for opposing voices to speak out about oligarchs enriching public money, the luxury trips of Fidesz politicians and their friends.

According to András Lánci, each one decides for himself how he lives and has to bear the consequences, but it has always been a luxurious lifestyle, “regardless of the system, there are those who believe they deserve it, that’s why it feels good” .

He also said that a challenging lifestyle is repulsive in a moral sense because it seems that getting rich is selfish. However, the key question is what kind of economy we live in. Then he said:

In fact, a new rich and wealthy layer has emerged, but it is not a selfish phenomenon, but a clear concept of community.

András Lánczi went even further when he stated:

You can have many beautiful political ideas, if you don’t have the economic power to do it, you can’t implement them.

He maintains his opinion that “what some call corruption is the main policy of Fidesz”.

According to the philosopher, now “the middle class is being formed”, which is the standard of Western civilization, because if there is no middle class, there is a constant danger of political radicalization.
