However, Partizan’s SZFE movie is not shown.


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The Partizán Yotutube channel will not publish on Friday about the resistance of the actors, Stupid youth was posted last night on the Partizan’s Facebok page. We published an article about the film, in which we wrote that the film shows that SZFE students are much more insecure and dramatic than they have been shown to the public so far.

Partizan said in a statement that the editorial board voluntarily complied with the Free-SZFE movement’s request, although it disagreed.

“There is no legal basis for the application of the FREE-SZFE community, however, the Partizan community has made the decision not to conflict with the FREE-SZFE membership on this issue, so we will temporarily withdraw from the movie display. We have made and continue to maintain, during the making of the film, the principle that the adversary is not university citizenship, but an aggressive power that makes university citizenship impossible. We need to assess and process this situation to make a final decision, and we are also confident that we will be able to reach a mutually acceptable solution with the FREE-SZFE community in the next period. The film is ready for release and if the FREE-SZFE community changes position, we will be happy to show it to the general public. ” Write the composition of Partizan.

Update: FreeSZFE responded to Partizan’s announcement. It is written that the film was not banned:

The freeSZFE the community has no right to ban any artwork.

It is not the contribution of the freeSZFE community that is needed to publish Partizán’s Stupid Youth, but the personal contribution of the actors to the use of their recordings – Freeszfe Association and SZFE HÖK have spent the last two weeks drawing the attention of the producer and creators to significant and to convince them of the need to obtain them.

The inalienable provision of personality rights is an indisputable ethical, moral and legal issue, the ignorance of which we have observed with sincere frustration, especially for university personnel whose existence depends on performance.

We want to draw the creators’ attention to what seems to be fading: making documentaries is not a press job, but a personal and trustworthy genre; Just as the actors respect creative autonomy, the creator would have the duty to respect the actors’ self-determination.

We hope that Partizan will use the time it has gained to temporarily postpone the release of the film by restoring legal clarity to it.

