Index – Abroad – Middle-aged women are most affected by the long Covid


A British study concludes that middle-aged women are experiencing the most severe and long-lasting effects of a phenomenon known as Long-term Covid, writes the BBC. Seventeen percent of patients studied at the University of Leicester experienced symptoms even after five months, ranging from anxiety to shortness of breath, depression and muscle pain to dizziness. The research also showed that prolonged Covid prevented 18 percent of patients from returning to work.

More than 400,000 coronavirus patients have been hospitalized since the start of the coronavirus epidemic in the UK. Although the patients received multiple therapies, most received antibiotics, a third required oxygen therapy and more than a quarter had to be admitted to the intensive care unit, even those who were in short-term hospitalization had long-term covid symptoms.

People who have not fully regenerated their body after infection are mostly white women in their 40s and 60s who have at least two underlying illnesses or health problems and have been on a ventilator in the hospital.

Another study from the University of Glasgow found that women under the age of 50 were seven times more likely to develop respiratory problems seven months after infection and twice as likely to be more tired than their older men infected with the coronavirus. Women under the age of 50 who struggled with Covid for a long time mainly experienced problems with their memory, hearing, movement, and vision.
