Coronavirus vaccination in Brussels can be easily stopped


Vaccination is difficult in Belgium, with just 12.61 percent of the population receiving the coronavirus vaccine, but only 5.5 percent in the Brussels-Capital region. Due to the extremely slow vaccination process, the metropolitan region wants to disconnect from the central system and resolve the matter on its own. However, reorganization can be a significant waste of time, especially in the current extremely severe epidemic situation. According to experts, there is a danger that the administration of vaccines will be completely stopped while the reorganization lasts.

Origo has previously written that the Belgian government has commissioned a 4 person startup (!) To handle the vaccination of around 9 million eligible Belgians.

A vaccination point in Brussels, on March 18, 2021.Source: Belgian via AFP / Hatim Kaghat

This astonishingly irresponsible decision and the serious confusion surrounding vaccines has now led to a slowdown (practically stopped) in vaccination in Brussels than of the 3 Belgian regions (Flanders, Wallonia and the Brussels region, which includes the capital) Brussels breaks with the central organization of the epidemic and solves the vaccination process in its own system.

According to the public service outlet RTBF, the Doclr platform used by the aforementioned startup is completely unreliable, extremely complex to use, and simply does not work. But an even bigger concern is that it will take several weeks to launch the new system.

A vaccination point in Brussels, March 23, 2021Source: Belgian via AFP / Hatim Kaghat

Inge Neven, the Brussels region vaccination official hopes this will speed up the rate of vaccination (Vaccination is currently 12.61% in Belgium, but it is particularly poor in Brussels at 5.5%), While experts say that this shakeup came at a very bad time, the two to three week transition period will lead to a significant loss of time, and all of Belgium is back in the red zone, and the spread of the epidemic seems almost unstoppable right now.

Source: Origo

In the worsening epidemiological situation, analysts say with a significant delay, the Belgian government today announced new austerity measures. One of the most important measures will be the closure of schools, which will now be resolved by bringing the Easter recess one week forward, which will begin next week instead of April 5 and will last until April 16, but it is not ruled out that will spread.

Contact professions such as hairdressing will close again, along with non-food stores that can only accept and order online in the future.

There will be a curfew in Brussels again in the evening. Rudi vervoortAccording to the Prime Minister of the Brussels Capital Region The epidemiological situation is once again very serious in the Brussels region, with enormous pressure on hospitals and intensive care units.

Rudi vervoortSource: AFP / Nicolas Maeterlinck

The former socialist prime minister, Elio di rupo based on your opinion the situation can become catastrophic very easily, and not only for those with coronavirus infections, but also for other patients.

According to the Belgian health authority (Sciensano) the number of diseases grows exponentially, with an increase of 40 percent per week, now the age group 10-19 to 20-30 years in particular is the most affected.

As is known, in the first wave, Belgium was considered the worst defensive European country, and in fact, according to the WHO at the time, only Peru defended worse than Belgium in the whole world.

Now, the drag and drop of restrictions and relays has put Belgium in a dramatic situation, to which the disorganization of vaccines has contributed enormously.
