Angela Merkel apologized: there will be no complete short circuit in Germany at Easter


The Chancellor emphasized that he is solely responsible for the epidemic Easter shortage and also assumes that responsibility.

This error is solely and exclusively my fault.

Angela Merkel said in an extraordinary press release in her office.

He explained that the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic must be stopped by all means, but the issue of payment for the closing days, for example, cannot be adequately resolved until Easter.

Reversing the decision further increases the uncertainty for which I apologize to the citizens.

Angela Merkel said.

He stressed that even without the five-day national epidemic short-circuit, there are enough tools to defend against it., in particular the so-called emergency braking system, which has been supplemented with new elements, including the possibility of introducing a curfew and extending the obligation to wear a mask.

The leaders of the federal government and the provincial governments agreed at dawn on Tuesday to order a nationwide shutdown to stop the mutation of the British coronavirus for the period from April 1 to 5. The idea of ​​an Easter shortcut has been widely criticized from opposition parties to economic interest groups.

The third wave of the epidemic has intensified since Tuesday. According to the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI), 15,813 infections were examined in 24 hours.

This is an increase of almost twenty percent from 13,435 a week earlier. Along with recently reported infections, SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in 2,690,523 people. In relation to the disease caused by the virus (Covid-19), 248 deaths were recorded in one day, bringing the number of victims of the epidemic in Germany to 75,212.

The essence of the system, called the emergency brake, is to restore the restrictions suspended in early March by alleviating the second wave in provinces, districts or cities where the so-called seven-day infection rate is permanently above three hundred days. that is, the previous seven days, the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants. According to RKI data, the seven-day infection rate nationwide has already passed the 100 limit on Sunday and stood at 108.14 on Wednesday morning.

Cover Image Source: MTI / Filip Singer
