flee from foreign journalists and leaders


US President Joe Biden recently called Russian President Vladimir Putin a murderer in response to a question on US television ABC. Putin then, in a moderate response, proposed a meeting to Biden, who, however, eluded: he appears to be fleeing the trial. This may be related to the recent reappearance of speculation about Biden’s health, both physically and mentally. Last week, he became ridiculous for falling three times while trying to run upstairs in his youth. Biden will hold his first press conference on March 25, and there has not been a single president who has not appeared before reporters in the first 60 days of his term.

The presidency of Donald Trump held its first press conference on the 27th, Joe Biden will hold it on the 64th if he does not resign by then. While he probably shouldn’t be afraid of left-wing journalists, Donald Trump predicted in an interview that he will likely get questions about what his favorite ice cream is.

Many say that Biden’s reason for hiding is that his own staff are also afraid of what he says about an unexpected question. He also managed to stir up a scandal in a really friendly interview with ABC television last week when he called Putin a murderer in response to a question.

In response, Putin wished Biden good health the next day and invited him to an online test. Biden has avoided this, seemingly running away not only from journalists but from negotiations as well.

Republican Congressman Matt Goetz has discussed the outcome of a possible debate between Biden and Putin with the Fean news channel, Sean Hannity, writes the international news agency V4NA. The Republican deputy said that if this happened between the two presidents, “it would not end up like Rocky IV.” The senator hinted that at the end of the bloody battle between the American and Russian boxers in the film, the American party reaped physical and moral victory. I don’t think biden will win Goetz summarized.

According to some reports, Biden’s staff fear that the president will confront reporters, making him ridiculous by answering any questions. Memorable, he recently appointed his vice president, Kamala Harris, as president. Last week’s embarrassing incident of falling down the stairs of Air Force One was also due to trying to look decades younger and running up the stairs. Although the White House caught the fall in the strong wind, it is clear from the images that Biden, while trying to run, simply does not reach the stairs with his foot, he walks beside him.

The secrecy of Biden and the White House had already resonated with the left. Several journalists protested that the immigration office would not allow them to report on the migration crisis at the border. There was no such thing under the Trump administration, journalists could go anywhere.

In a memorable way, Joe Biden promised in the campaign to legalize the situation of illegal immigrants, after which the masses marched towards the United States.
