Coalition crisis in Slovakia: Prime Minister has resigned


Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced on Sunday that he is willing to resign as prime minister and take up other government posts if his coalition partners keep their previous promises and leave their posts, reported TASR, a service news agency. Slovak civilian.

As a condition for the departure of Igor Matovic, it mainly marked the resignation of those who most vociferously demanded his departure. Matovic personally conditioned the departure of Richard Sulík, Minister of Economy, Mária Kolíková, Minister of Justice, and Juraj Seliga, Vice President of the Parliament of Bratislava, and Jana Bittó Cigánikova, President of the Parliament’s Health Commission.

Within the Slovak ruling coalition, the situation has been tense for weeks due to differing views of individual patents on epidemic management. The situation became even more furious after the prime minister decided against the liberals that Slovakia would buy the Russian vaccine Sutnik V.

