family policy and social welfare

He promises that it will be easier to get alimony back soon, but judging by his words anyway, it seems like single parents have a lot of options right now. However, according to a Jobbik representative, the situation is not that simple.

On the occasion of the World Day of Single Parent Families, Katalin Novák, Minister of Social Affairs, announced on Facebook that a change in the law regarding divorced families is expected: “support is not always effective”, so they are working in simplification. the father cannot enforce his maintenance obligation.

According to Novák, they are already working with the Ministry of Justice on the details of the change, and he hopes that the establishment and collection of maintenance will be more efficient.

After that, Novák began to list the good opportunities that a single parent already has: He said, for example, that they receive a larger amount of family allowance, they can take advantage of the home allowance, they can use childcare to manage their matters, “Staff help write CV.”

So far, only two have responded from the opposition. Jobbik’s Lajos Rig explained article by article what the problem was with Novák’s proudly waving possibilities: for example, although the family allowance for single parents is actually higher, it means 13,700 HUF instead of 12,500 HUF, and those who they receive have an income of more than a thousand guilders, and according to him, the parents do not go out of their way to help them write a CV. “Instead of speaking words, we should be giving real help to single-parent families,” Rig concluded.

The independent Bernadette Szél is not very satisfied either: according to the politician, the family allowance should double from the beginning, since it has not increased in 13 years. “But the government has and would have many tools to provide a wide range of assistance: ambulances, abolition of daycare fees, extended and increased subsidy for job seekers, flexible work support, job benefits, support for maintenance of housing, public rental housing and I could list it.for a world exposition, a motoGP course, a Hungarian research institute and the establishment of small-scale wealth management foundations with hundreds of billions, wouldn’t there be money for the Single-parent families? value system where there is money for the first and not for “- wrote the wind.

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