Index – Culture – He was accused of making a career out of his warmth


The Index once again unveiled its podcast studio in front of an illustrious guest. This week’s Sunday Brunch guest is Márk Lakatos. The stylist also brought with him his vitality and impulsiveness. It also turned out that he has an opinion on everything. He took a deep breath before the half-hour show, and finally released it as he played the following songs.

  • Taking the power of online fashion shows
  • Body representation
  • Spring fashion trends can also be used for the average person.
  • Recovering the fashion of the 80s in everyday life
  • A fast fashion végnapjai
  • Closed fast food
  • Inoculation with eyes
  • His relationship with Tamás Náray

As a bonus, he told me on a show the other day that he made a career out of being gay. Express your opinion on this and much more in baroque circular phrases and in a very funny way.

During the discussion, references are made to some previous articles in the Index, which analyze the clothing of Hungarian public figures, such as Cecília Müller anddóra Dúró. Of course, Márk Lakatos couldn’t get past the great index interview with Tamás Náray.

Hear what he has to say about these, stay with us!

Guests from previous Sunday Brunch broadcasts:

Part 1: Hungarian voice of actress Klára Spilák, Carrie Bradshaw

Part 2: Viki Lábas, singer of the band Margaret Island, columnist for Pilvaker
