Gyurcsány is now joking about indoor plant inoculation


Notably, Sándor Szaniszló announced on Facebook almost triumphantly on Thursday that the district would return hundreds of Chinese vaccines because there were no applicants for them. However, Szaniszló, who had been defected from the MSZP by the Gyurcsány party a few years ago, calculated: over the course of a few hours during his tenure, hundreds were outraged that no one had asked them, even if they wanted to. be vaccinated.

Sándor Szaniszló and Ferenc GyurcsánySource: Origo

Mass Outrage Over Returned Vaccines

After Szaniszló failed not only himself but also the left’s unscrupulous anti-vaccination campaign, outrage erupted across the country. The left-wing mayor first tried to lie that he had previously campaigned for vaccination, but it soon turned out to be a lie, as a previous campaign letter specifically encouraged them to request vaccines in Brussels, where he hardly came from.

This was also represented by their national politicians: László Varju said last November that they only considered the EU recommendation authorized and demanded that the vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) be used by Hungarian doctors.

László VarjuSource: MTI / Attila Kovács

The mayors of Gyurcsány also wrote a letter to Miklós Kásler, the human resources minister, in February to get vaccinated in their districts with only an EMA-approved vaccine, although they knew it would mean there would be little vaccine. Its aim was to prevent vaccination with the Russian and Chinese vaccines (the latter, which started in Hungary on February 24) in the DK-led districts, from endangering the lives of tens of thousands of people.

He also contacted Origo Szaniszló and the DK Central Press Department about the case and how many vaccines the DK mayors have returned since the start of the vaccination campaign. Since then no reply has been received.

Unscrupulous and cynical campaign

Left-wing politicians, after being overthrown by Sanssouci, began hysterically defending themselves and their mayor. The harshest comment was made again by the leader of the left, Ferenc Gyurcsány.

In an astonishing, unscrupulous and cynical way, he wrote that if the government “only half would do massive vaccinations in addition to lying, By now, all pets and houseplants would be vaccinated against the virus across the country

While the third wave is sweeping the world, the British variant of the mutant virus is also spreading in Hungary, affecting many more people and much more severely. Gyurcsány is still consciously trying to minimize the disease and therefore the role of defense and vaccination.

Far fewer vaccinations were administered in the district than the national average

Only six percent of the residents of the 18th district have received the first vaccine so far, as Sándor Szaniszló himself acknowledged on the ATV program Straight Speech. The data speaks for itself, as the national average is above 15 percent, so it is clear that this could be the result of a boost against vaccines from Russia and China. Some District 18 GPs may not offer Eastern vaccines due to the political threat from the left.

The Democratic Coalition launched an incredible campaign last November against the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, leaning back on the vaccine. However, when they saw that more and more EU countries were interested in the vaccine, now, p. Eg leading German politicians – clearly turned against the Chinese vaccine in February and have been doing their best ever since to make as many people as insecure about the vaccine.

In a propaganda article posted on the former indexers’ blog, all of Szaniszló’s statements were presented as fact without the slightest criticism from the source. In this, Szaniszló called the residents of the district who spoke out against the withdrawal of the vaccines “400-500 trolls”, this is how the mayor of the SE thinks about the residents of the district. He also repeated this on the ATV show Straight Talk.

His own mayor overthrew the left’s anti-vaccination strategy

It is extremely shameful that leftist politicians and their propaganda media try to protect the defenseless. However, it is clear from this story that the left is trying to do everything it can to make people feel insecure about Russian and Chinese vaccines. Also, if need be, a mayor even takes pride in delivering hundreds of doses of vaccine from his district, for which he would have otherwise clearly been a candidate.

Let us not forget that if oriental vaccines were not available, more than 500,000 fewer people would be vaccinated in Hungary. In addition, more vaccines will arrive in the coming weeks, while p. German Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Friday that people should be honestly told that there are not enough vaccines in Europe to stop the third wave. He said this in a country where neither a Russian nor a Chinese vaccine is (yet) available following a political decision.

Péter Krekó, a left-wing analyst at Political Capital, gave impetus to the left’s vaccination strategy in late December, when he said:

The stakes are high. If it undermines people’s willingness to get vaccinated, then [Orbánnak] must bear the consequences. Gyurcsány and his party, as well as the opposition that has joined him, have been attacking the government and the supply of vaccines in the East throughout this strategy ever since.

It should not be forgotten that the two DK family doctors, Zoltán Komáromi and Csaba Kiss, have spoken out against oriental vaccines several times before, and even Csaba Kiss, a forest garden doctor (former candidate for PML), has refused to administer the vaccines.

Zoltán Komáromi, DK’s “health policy”, has spent months trying to create uncertainty about eastern vaccines. Among other things, Komárom was able to tell that the Chinese Sinopharm’s boxes contained Chinese text, so he was unable to adequately inform his patients. In comparison, the patient information leaflet for the vaccine in question can also be found in Hungarian on the website of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI), which according to Komáromi is a “compiled” document. Which, perhaps, was perhaps even more shocking when he discovered in an ATV conversation that coronavirus disease was better than some vaccines.

DK has also launched a petition saying that the Chinese vaccine should be banned. And Gyurcsány wrote in a Facebook post on January 17 that “you are right to use only a vaccine that has been approved in the EU.”

Source: Facebook

Sándor Rónai MEP declared in the plenary session of the European Parliament in Brussels on 10 February that he believed that the European vaccine authorization process was more transparent and traceable than in the case of the procurement of vaccines in some EU Member States. Furthermore, in relation to Hungary, Rónai lied saying that he had previously authorized the use of the Russian and Chinese vaccines as soon as he read the relevant documentation.

Sándor Rónai, DK MEP Gyurcsányné, can be seen on the rightSource: MTI / Bruzák Noémi

Of course, the disguised anti-vaccination propaganda is not only continued by the DK, András Fekete-Győr, the president of Momentum who also threatens journalists, previously “argued” that members of the government should be vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine. he questioned this, without proof, of course.

István Ujhelyi MEP, a MEP in the European Parliament, had not previously understood why the Hungarian government had ordered a Chinese vaccine. Jobbik didn’t want to be left behind either, he spoke of human experimentation with vaccines at the level of former DK politicians.

In addition to politicians, the lunar court connected to the left also created an anti-vaccination mood. For example, the director of the Publicus Institute near the MSZP called the Chinese vaccine potentially dangerous, and in February Tibor Závecz, who also received orders from the left, said that the Hungarians did not want a Chinese vaccine. A month later, Tibor Závecz announced that he had also been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine, and at that time he no longer denied that the Chinese vaccines that had reached the country would run out without any problem.

Prevent vaccination work in left-handed districts

As Origo reported on Friday, there have been a number of reports from GPs in the capital that Left-wing districts do not provide staff to organize coronavirus vaccination. According to the Government Office of the capital city of Budapest, while the national vaccination task force officially asked local governments a few weeks ago to help GPs in their area to make the vaccination process as smooth as possible. fast and fluid as possible.

According to the government office, there are a number of reports from general practitioners from the capital’s left-wing districts (typically districts 4, 3, 11, 13, 7, 14, 19, 2, and 9) that the municipalities in question did not respond to. at the request of the GP or promised to send staff, but did not do so.

They change their minds every week: where would they close, where would they demand an opening

One of the main elements of vaccination and defense of lefties is that they always demand the opposite of current measures. On February 1, for example, András Fekete-Győr, president of Momentum, said: “We will reopen Hungary! (…) open-air restaurants and terraces, open cinemas and theaters, open hotels, hotels, accommodation. “.

In early March, he said the opposite. “The government has imposed stricter restrictions than ever, but we have a sense of lack […] We ask the government to take five measures. ”

The MSZP leaders also committed the same blow. at the end of January. István Ujhelyi demanded the lifting of the current restrictions, and then, in early March, Bertalan Tóth said that they should have been reinforced earlier (obviously when they wanted to ease them).

In recent weeks, Ferenc Gyurcsány has been trying to deny that he has been openly against the vaccine. It was also embarrassing for him that Szaniszló betrayed him, his party and the entire left.
