the national teams of Hungary and Russia also achieved it


After the victory of the Hungarian women’s handball team against Serbia, all that was needed was the success of the defending Olympic team Russia against Kazakhstan to officially declare that the Hungarian team participates in Tokyo. It happened, even if it was a bit more difficult than expected …

In the second part, Anastasia Illarionova and her teammates stopped the Kazakhs, who had been playing well so far, and ensured their participation in the Olympic Games, as did ours (Photo: MTI)


The first surprise in the Russian-Kazakh match was that more key players than the defending Olympic champion, including one of the world’s best forehand shooters, Anna Vjahireva, who scored seven goals against the Serbs on Friday, also rested, and the player Rostov did not play at all.

The next surprise was that the Russians could not get away from the Kazakhs, who led 1-0 and then trailed, but were able to equalize several times. For a long time, the goalkeepers could not contribute much to the game from either side, so after 20 minutes, the score was 11-11 and then 14-14.

Then it was also a bit surprising that the Russians then scored the ball in a double human handicap and then scored (although they were only handicapped at the time), but they could still enter the locker room with a single goal, 17 -16, during break. It reveals a lot about the Russian team’s game that ten of the 17 goals were scored by two wingers, Olga Fomina and Polina Gorskova.

The second half, however, had no more surprises in store. At first, the Russians scored four goals in a row, permanently breaking the momentum of the Kazakh team.

The Russian team 33-26decided that the national teams of Russia and Hungary will advance to the Tokyo Olympics from the qualifying tournament in Győr, regardless of the match of the two teams on Sunday, which will decide which national team will win the tournament, but the first two places can occupy participate in the Olympics.


HUNGARY-SERBIA 31-23 (16-12)

Kazakhstan – Hungary 19–46 (8-20)
Russian team-Serbia 29-24 (17-13)

Sunday March 21

20.30: Hungary-Russia team (Television: M4 Sport) – Live in UFO!
