Index – National: It will be expensive and fun to get a vaccine ahead of time


The International Vaccine Center has sent a letter to people who register on its website. Based on this, it will take two more months for the vaccine to be reserved, but you already know how much the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will cost. As it turned out, the person who chooses the American-German vaccine has to pay 28,000 guilders for the two doses necessary for vaccination, according to a letter received by the Index.

Previously, our document also wrote that paid vaccines will arrive soon and vaccines will be available at the International Vaccine Center. Appointments can be booked on the institution’s website.

The point is that those who would still have to wait a long time to receive the vaccine under the vaccination plan can get protection as soon as possible out of turn. It is said that patients can choose for themselves which vaccine they need.

The director of the International Vaccine Center recently wrote a letter to his clients informing them that after January, another consumer protection procedure has been initiated against them. However, he noted, everything was fine with them before, trust that it will be now.

Managing Director Roland Kámány emphasized that negotiations are ongoing with the five licensed vaccine manufacturers in Hungary, who will have to wait two months at most. As the vaccination of people at risk was expected to be completed on March 15 as originally planned, this was not the case and the authorization of the targeted vaccine was also delayed.

He added that the most important thing is to vaccinate more people as soon as possible, but it is considered ethically unacceptable to vaccinate young people who are not at risk while those at highest risk are waiting for the vaccine. By the way, the letter sheds light on some details. Taking into account the current situation, it is estimated that the administration of the vaccine will cost 1,450 guilders.

The Index asked exactly how the price of the vaccine would come out for 28 thousand guilders. As we learned from the response from the International Vaccine Center, the prices for the two vaccines are as follows:

2 x 10 thousand HUF (the price of the vaccine itself) + 2 x 1450 HUF (the price of the vaccine) – Advance payment of 5000 HUF, which was paid at the time of the pre-booking.

There is also talk that when vaccines arrive, everyone will be notified by email about the type of vaccine and the total cost of the vaccination. There are three options to choose from:

  • ask for the vaccine
  • wait for another vaccine
  • waiver of the right to early booking.

If someone requests the vaccine, the pre-booking fee will not be refunded later. If the patient still decides to wait for another vaccine, their previous reservation will be reserved for another type of vaccine purchased later.

In all parts of the process, the patient has the opportunity to be reimbursed for the amount of the pre-reservation, in which case the total amount paid for the pre-reservation will be reimbursed and the patient will lose their right to pre-reserve the vaccine.

By the way, the European Union buys the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at 15.5 euros per dose, that is, the cost of two doses is less than 12 thousand guilders. So for the Pfizer vaccine offered by the International Vaccine Center

more than twice that is available to anyone who is registered in a health center.

To government information on February 25, Gergely Gulyás said that it was completely ruled out that private medical institutions could administer vaccines against the coronavirus. The minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office declared that the Hungarian state has the right to obtain vaccines, so it will not grant such permission to private companies.

Meanwhile, the Department of Consumer Protection of the Government Office of the Capital City of Budapest began a process against the International Vaccination Center two days ago, for which the health center collected a reserve for the administration of vaccines against the coronavirus for five thousand guilders.

At the moment, it is being investigated whether the International Vaccine Center is engaging in unfair business practices by accepting pre-orders for money. The government office was awaiting responses from the vaccination center on various issues.

(Cover image: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines. Photo: Reuters)
