Index – Foreign – A quarter of a billion guilders for a single cup of coffee


In total, experts only know of seven of these white and cobalt blue glasses. One of them was offered at an auction called Sotheby’s Asian Weeks. The identity of both the seller and the buyer is kept confidential.

Would you pay 150 million guilders for a Chinese cup? We asked in an article from our February in which we reported on the announcement of the auction. According to experts, the artifact originates from the court of Emperor Jung-Lö, who ruled between 1403-1424. It is known as a “lotus cup” because it resembles a lotus bud. The price available before the auction was estimated at $ 300-500 thousand.

The auction started immediately with a bid of $ 200,000, then after 14 online and phone bids, the final bid crawled to $ 580,000. The official purchase price, including taxes, eventually amounted to $ 721,800.

Luck smiled at him

The Ming-era ship was discovered at a garage fair in New Haven, Connecticut, by an avid antiques enthusiast who purchased it locally. He photographed his loot and then sent it to the auction house. He asked Sotheby’s experts to estimate its value.

After being able to feel the porcelain in person, it was proven without scientific investigation that the find dates back to the 15th century. century. The cup is soft to the touch, satin and silky, its color and pattern are peculiar to the time, they justified their appreciation.

“We only have the opportunity to make such a discovery once in our lives,” Angela McAteer, director of Sotheby’s Chinese Arts, wrote in a statement.

According to Sotheby’s, two similar works of art have been exhibited at the National Palace Museum in Taipei, two at the British Museum in London and the Victoria and Albert Museum, and one at the National Museum of Iran, Tehran. The “location” of the sixth cup is unknown. So far no such find has been recorded in the United States, but it is now the seventh.

Mystery surrounds how such an antique could have found its way to a Connecticut garage fair. McAteer said it could have been owned by a family for generations who had no idea of ​​the unique treasure they had.

So you can still get a lot worth the cup you drank your coffee from while reading this article.
