The mayor of DK for vaccination admitted that little vaccine was administered in the district


Just six percent of District 18 residents have received the first vaccine so far, admitted DK Mayor Sándor Szaniszló on his ATV show Straight Speech. This is interesting because the national average is already over 15 percent, which means that the mayor himself has shown that vaccination in the left-wing district lags far behind the rest of the country. The reason for this is the campaign that Szaniszló and DK are carrying out against vaccines.

As Origo first wrote, on Thursday, Sándor Szaniszló, the mayor of Pestszentlőrinc in SE, announced on the community page that since there were not hundreds of doses of Chinese vaccine in the district, the government would send the doses not used. After Szaniszló’s registration, there was a real outrage during the post, Hundreds of commenters complained that the left-wing municipal administration had not even offered them the Chinese vaccine, which they would just accept.

Seeing the massive outcry, Szaniszló kept changing positions for hours, then took it off around five in the afternoon.

On Thursday evening, a propaganda article near Szaniszló was published on the blog of the old indexers (run by Szabolcs Dull, who is closely related to Gyurcsányné), in which all the accusations from the mayor of DK became factual without the slightest criticism of the source. In a smiling propaganda piece, Szaniszló called residents of the district protesting against the vaccine recall “400-500 trolls,” which reveals a lot about how he thinks about residents of the district.

Szaniszló explained on ATV’s Straight Talk Friday night, but was completely confused by the apology. The mayor of the Gyurcsány party could not answer on the substance of why he modified it and then dismissed the post. He claimed to have dealt with the matter only at night, and only then, due to the “500 Fidesz trolls,” did he take office. However, this is a lie, the post was canceled at 5pm on Thursday afternoon.

Saniszlo went on to argue against the Chinese vaccine anyway, claiming that residents of the district only accept EU vaccines and is demanding that the government ship them. The DK mayor’s misfortune was followed by a GP in the show who said that he had given all the vaccines he received, the main reason is that if someone refuses the vaccine, he, as a doctor, will try to convince him to accept it with professional arguments. .

And it is clear from this that some of the GPs in the 18th district, apparently due to the threat of the left-wing city leadership, do not convince but discourage people.
