Index – Economy – Tourism essentially destroyed in January


As a result of entry restrictions and epidemiological measures for commercial accommodations, the number of guest nights in commercial accommodations decreased by 89.8 percent in January compared to the previous year, the Central Statistical Office said Thursday. (CSO).

The number of overnight stays by national guests in commercial accommodations decreased by 85.5%, while the number of overnight stays by foreign guests decreased by 93.5%.

The number of overnight stays by national guests increased by 11 thousand to about 115 thousand compared to the previous month. 66 percent of all guest nights were spent by national guests.

62.2 percent of the nights were spent in hotels, where the decrease was 88.8 percent. About a third (34.9 and 33.8 percent, respectively) of the January turnover of the previous year was recorded in pensions and community accommodation establishments. The fall hit the Balaton tourist region the hardest, the CSO said.

The 18,000 foreign guests who visited Hungary spent just 59,000 nights in accommodation.

Most of the guests stayed in hotels, but the number of nights they spent there dropped to 5.8 percent from January last year.

The largest decrease (99 and 97 percent, respectively) occurred in the Balaton tourist region and in Budapest.

Total gross income from sales of commercial accommodation establishments, calculated at current prices, was 90.8% lower than in January last year and fell to HUF 3.16 billion.

The number of overnight stays by national guests in commercial accommodations decreased by 85.5%, while the number of overnight stays by foreign guests decreased by 93.5%.

The CSO recalled that since November 10 last year, in accordance with the protection measures aimed at curbing the epidemic caused by the coronavirus, commercial accommodation establishments cannot receive tourists, only guests who arrive for commercial, economic or educational.
