Index – National – The second tram train arrived in Hungary


The 37-meter-long, 70-ton shipment left Valencia on March 9 with three trucks, then arrived in Hungary via France, Germany and Austria.

Its predecessor, the Vásárhely 001 tram, was crowded at the MÁV-START site in Szentes a month ago, as it also arrived in three sections due to its size. The prototype test run was successful on the Szentes – Mindszent – Szentes route in early March. A week ago, the official test of the operation of the large railway was carried out on the Kecskemét – Kiskunfélegyháza – Szeged route, followed by the official inspection of the vehicle and the test on the newly built tram line in Hódmezővásárhely. Currently, tests are being carried out on the Hódmezővásárhely and Szeged lines, and at the same time official tests will begin in Szeged. The government commissioner of the railway tram, János Lázár, has already published images of the lifting of the second train on its community side.

Has 216 seats diesel-electric hybrid According to the KRESZ regulations, you can only travel at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour on the Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely tram lines, but on the open line between the two cities you will be able to carry passengers at a speed of hundreds, which I have many chances of taking possession of the trains this year. Although the original promise was that the two trams that were already here and their third companion who would soon arrive

to start school It may now be on the market, the trader is now a bit more cautious and anticipates the exit in the fall.
