Index – Domestic – More and more young people are entering the intensive care unit


As more people became infected with the coronavirus, the workload of intensive care units became much higher, János Gál, director of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at Semmelweis University, told public television. Béla Merkely, rector of Semmelweis University, ordered the installation of fifty intensive beds. János Gál added: according to him, “the intensive will last”.

János Gál also stressed that “the virus is unpredictable” is changing. For this reason, it is also important that intensive care has enough ventilators.

The specialist said that he is currently seeing that many more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit, including the younger age group. Health workers are helping to increase their chances of survival with the tools and medicines available.

According to his assessment, superhuman performance is what is done in all health fields, but especially what is done in intensive care units in our country.

János Gál said that it is very important that people get vaccinated against the coronavirus as soon as possible. In his opinion, the vaccines approved in Hungary are safe and have not encountered serious complications. According to the clinical director of Semmelweis University, it is everyone’s moral duty to administer the vaccine.
