Index – National – An ice cream on Lake Balaton can cost up to 150 thousand guilders


Police officers are conducting further inspections in various settlements on the shores of Lake Balaton, fearing that many of those traveling on long weekends will break the rules. reported that the frequented parts of the city will be gradually searched by the police. They stand out:

Those who do not wear a mask or consume food and drink in public can face punishment.

There will be some restaurants in the city, where you can get food, drinks and ice cream to go. Wearing a mask is mandatory everywhere, so even eating ice cream bought in public places

he will be fined from five thousand to 150 thousand florins.

The police have also drawn attention to the fact that the restaurants will also be inspected regularly. They stressed that it is forbidden to place handrails and benches in front of buildings, and they should also warn customers that they can only consume food and drinks that they have bought at home or in their car.

They added that violators will only be warned at first, but if they don’t use it, they will be fined.

Meanwhile, writes that smaller settlements on the shores of Lake Balaton, such as Szigliget, Balatonfenyves and Balatonmáriafürdő, must be prepared for similar rigor. According to Dániel Balassa, mayor of Szigliget, it is also conceivable that an increase in inspections will continue not only on weekends, but also in the long term.

Some will move in until Easter, or if the current strict restrictions remain in place, or even all spring.

The mayor told He added: All restaurants in Szigliget will remain closed, not even food or drink will be dispensed, but if it can be resolved, this ban may be lifted later.

Meanwhile, Gábor Lombár, mayor of Balatonfenyves, spoke about the fact that shops could be emptied by the arrival of the masses and there could also be supply problems.

Just because the sun is shining and Lake Balaton is beautiful doesn’t mean that I can forget all about our troubles here. I ask everyone to follow the rules

He said.

At the same time, the mayor of Balatonmáriafürdő, György Galácz, reported that the owners of the two local shops would be especially happy if larger crowds came to the village.
