The third wave of the epidemic no longer spares babies


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In the third wave of the epidemic, they have to care for three times more children than before, Dr. László Szabó, head of the department of internal medicine at the National Institute of Pediatrics Pál Heim, told Blikk. He said three of them were hooked up to ventilators, in one case that required surgery. Newborns two to three weeks old are also treated for covid.

The building of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Pediatrics Pál Heim under renovation at the Üllõi út site of the health institution in the capital on October 2, 2020Photo: Zoltán Máthé / MTI / MTVA

As he said, they also had covid-positive patients at a young age, but most of them were admitted with some other childhood illness with non-covid symptoms. “Now, however, it is typical that many more children come with typical symptoms of covidiosis,” he said.

The age of the patients also changed. In the early stages of the epidemic, they were usually teenagers, but now there are newborns among them. “From infancy to 18, we now have all of our patients,” he said.

The third wave is also characterized by the fact that in the past, even if the virus had entered a family, it had infected at most one person, but now everyone has.

According to Dr. Szabó, normal viral infections can also cause fever, headaches, and abdominal pain in the spring. If, on the other hand, the child has a prolonged fever, that is, he has a high fever for more than three days and has difficulty breathing or may have a choking cough, covid-19 should be suspected. Children are at particular risk of developing MIS-C or multi-organ inflammation. Almost half of children with this end up in intensive care because they need circulatory support.

The aftercare of children with the disease is also prolonged: “We check them every 1-2-3-4 weeks,” he said. In his experience, even weeks later, they are very exhausting.
