The coronavirus has changed speed, we also have to catch up


The third wave has changed the course of the coronavirus infection, others have symptoms, and younger people can develop serious illness. That is why we must also take defense seriously, even if we feel: mentally it is already a great burden for people. Dr. János Szlávik, Dr. Gábor Zacher and Dr. György Purebl spoke at the KOVIDők event.

This wave is different from the others now, so we have to defend ourselves differently; This was the most important conclusion of the conversation that KOVIDők organized between the three specialists. At the moment, it is not possible to talk about releasing the closures because more people get sick than during the first two waves, the symptoms are different, there are more young people infected, even those who need hospital treatment. At the same time, we must not go beyond the closures and the psychological consequences of the epidemic: there is more depression, anxiety, greater demand for antidepressants and mood enhancers, and the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes has skyrocketed.

The third wave was in the unfinished second wave, which still produced relatively high case numbers. This is how we come across the British mutant, which is more widespread and, by some estimates, causes about 10 percent more disease, as well as targeting young people, placing a greater burden on the healthcare system.

He said Dr. János Slavik internist, infectologist, head of the department of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases of the Hospital Central Sur de Plagas, member of the Operative Personnel Responsible for the Control of the Coronavirus Epidemic.

“We are in the growing stages of the epidemic right now, we don’t know when it will end, or even when it will peak. There are models that will arrive at the end of March, there are some that will have a peak in early April. At the moment, we shouldn’t talk about relaxation. “

The epidemic is raging, there is no effective cure

The expert also pointed out that we have been living in these conditions for a year, which is also psychologically stressful. However, things should not be taken lightly now because the virus has changed, the course is more severe among younger people, and the symptoms are different. “We need to relearn about the coronavirus without having a really effective drug.”

Dr. Gábor Zacher a toxicologist, the former head of the Military Hospital Emergency Hospital Center, commented that in reality there was no really effective therapy, there were many drugs that initially it seemed that he would use, and then it turned out that he would not. There have been urban rumors about some drugs, however

there is still no product that can guarantee that the patient will recover.

“Whole families are admitted to the hospital and truncated families leave. Of course, this is also due to the fact that Hungarians have many risk factors, including obesity. Hungary is the fourth most obese country in the world, and it would be worth changing this for the future, because it could easily be a similar pandemic ”.

The only way out is vaccination.

The only way out so far, it seems, is vaccination: the mood for vaccinating is interesting, however. János Slavik said that towards the end of December, when the first vaccines appeared, there was a good mood to vaccinate, as we felt that we had a weapon in our hands against the epidemic. Then the anti-vaccination sounds intensified in the online space, many misconceptions began to circulate on the Internet, the desire to vaccinate diminished.

Rosta Tibor / MTI Registration point at the vaccination point of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Clinical Center of the University of Szeged.

“You can also see a difference between the willingness of the elderly and the young to get vaccinated: even during flu shots, the elderly go more often because they know what is at stake as soon as they want to get vaccinated. Young people don’t face it. Now, however, coronavirus vaccines also have an upward curve, because it is common for them to have a protection certificate, and only those who have it can go to parties, restaurants and travel. As a result, in addition to the elderly, an increasing number of young people are also choosing to be vaccinated. “

Gábor Zacher added: Anything that provides more than zero percent protection is important and useful.

According to experts, the desire to vaccinate is basically lower because public communication was poor: they started vaccinating earlier than the vaccination campaign would have started, and the government is at a disadvantage in this area. There is also a lack of clear and streamlined communication about vaccines and what actually causes this disease.

There are three times as many depressions

It is important to note that while it is not yet possible to talk about unlocking the locks, the one-year ordeal is a mental burden. “The virus has changed speed, we also have to defend ourselves in a more radical way. At the same time, the psychological burden is enormous, ”he said. Dr. György Purebl psychiatrist, director of the Institute of Behavioral Sciences at Semmelweis University.

In late 2020, a study on people’s mental health was published, which found that the incidence of depression had tripled, even though it was the second most common illness causing permanent disability anyway. The number of anxious people has doubled, fear of the virus has increased, and the mental problems associated with it have also become more common.

There can be many reasons for negative changes: on the one hand, they have taken us out of our comfortable and safe world, and on the other hand, economic insecurity has hit many families and tragedies around people are not helping the situation. anyone. The specialist also highlighted that COVID also has direct psychological effects, the post-COVID syndrome, for example, also appears in the nervous system.

Gábor Zacher emphasized that the epidemic basically generated a stressful situation, the appearance of anxiety-depression increased rapidly and the demand for antidepressants, anxiolytics and anti-inomnials increased dramatically. Almost 8 million sedatives were consumed in 2020, 500,000 more cans than in 2019.

In terms of substance use, loneliness, 8-hour curfew restrictions are a problem, and tobacco and alcohol use has become more intense. “After the third or fourth glass of rosé, no one cares about the epidemic anymore, it seems a long way off until morning.”

A good addiction to alcohol can easily develop in three months.

On the positive side, drug use has declined: on the one hand, drugs have become more expensive and, on the other, more difficult to obtain. “No one makes a mistake at home alone on Friday night, regular drug use has decreased. Of course, the question is, if this ends, how much will people compensate, this cannot be predicted ”.

Switching to the online space is also problematic in terms of addictions: it will probably be difficult to get back to normal working in a home office, living our social life online, and our only fun is watching streaming providers. It will be difficult to get back to normal and live our lives as before before the epidemic.
