The batch of vaccines, whose safety has been questioned, has reached seventeen countries. According to OGYÉI, it has not arrived in Hungary since that shipment. Italy, on the other hand, is examining another element.

Denmark, Norway and Iceland are also suspending the use of a vaccine developed by the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford as a precaution, health authorities said.

Denmark has decided to suspend the use of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine for two weeks after several cases of blood clots were reported in those vaccinated. THE Reuters A fatal case was also reported, the death of a 60-year-old woman who was vaccinated from the same shipment. The Danish Medicines Agency has announced that it is conducting an investigation with the competent agencies of other EU countries and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Vaccination with AstraZeneca has been suspended in Denmark

Several people have blood clots after the vaccine until they are tested to see if it has something to do with the vaccine, or just by chance, the Danes are not giving anyone the AstraZeneca vaccine. According to the UK Pharmacovigilance Authority, there is no data to confirm that AstraZeneca causes blood clots.

In Austria, the use of a certain series of AstraZeneca was discontinued on Sunday and the safety of the vaccines is being investigated after a nurse died of blood clotting complications ten days after vaccination and a vaccinated colleague was hospitalized with a stroke. pulmonary. The Danish fatality and the Austrian nurse received the same batch of vaccine.

Norwegian and Icelandic authorities have not yet indicated how long the vaccines have been suspended. THE The Guardian Geir Bukholm, director of infection prevention and control at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, said they were still awaiting test results to see if there was a link between blood clots and vaccines.

In Italy, it was decided to ban the shipment of the ABV2856 vaccine after the death in Sicily of two men who had recently been vaccinated with AstraZeneca, he writes Reuters. According to a news agency source, one of the victims was a 43-year-old naval officer who died of a heart attack one day after vaccination. The other victim was a 50-year-old police officer who died 12 days after the vaccination, however local newspapers reported that he became ill within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine and never recovered. Previously, the Italian pharmacovigilance, Aifa, reported that the drug had been discontinued as a precautionary measure and that severe cases had nothing to do with it.

the MTI According to the batch of vaccines also used in Austria, ABV5300 contained one million doses and received 12 European countries in addition to Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Luxembourg: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Holland , Poland, Spain and Sweden.

In Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia, vaccination was also suspended as a precautionary measure for the duration of the study, but only with the batch in question.

The EMA Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has stated that, although it does not consider it likely at this stage that there are quality problems with the vaccine, the quality of the shipment will be reviewed and all other cases will be reviewed, not just thromboembolic cases .

From the operational tribe, also tried to find out if there were similar cases in Hungary, but did not respond. THE 168 however, he learned from the National Institute of Pharmacy that he had not received the ominous batch of AstraZeneca ABV5300.

According to Thursday’s announcement by the British Medicines Authority (MHRA), the available data does not confirm that a coronavirus vaccine developed jointly by the University of Oxford and the British-Swedish pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca caused blood clots in Denmark.

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Vaccination with AstraZeneca has been suspended in Denmark

Several people have blood clots after the vaccine until they are tested to see if it has something to do with the vaccine, or just by chance, the Danes are not giving anyone the AstraZeneca vaccine. According to the UK Pharmacovigilance Authority, there is no data to confirm that AstraZeneca causes blood clots.

British pharmacovigilance: no evidence that AstraZeneca caused blood clots


There is currently no vaccination with the Oxford vaccine in Denmark.