Index – National – All of V4 pledged, but only Hungary entered vaccine research


Neither Slovakia, nor the Czech Republic, nor Poland have paid their share of the total € 3 million that the V4 countries wanted to enter into global vaccine research by the World Health Organization and the European Commission. So far, only Hungary has kept this promise, writes, citing the Slovak edition of Euractiv.

WHO co-organized a conference with the European Commission in May 2020. Its participants have raised some 7.5 billion euros to support global vaccine research and drug development. EU member states have offered a total of € 1.5 billion and V4 has agreed to a € 3 million donation. Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia fraternally shared the costs, with 750,000 euros per person paid into the development fund.

Although Slovak Foreign Minister Ivan Korčok said at the time that he was very pleased that his country had reacted so actively and positively to such an extraordinary initiative, the momentum of Bratislava, Prague and Warsaw had slowed considerably since Euroactiv. The portal noted on the WHO website that, of the V4 countries, only Budapest has so far paid its € 750,000 donation to the global vaccine development fund.

So far, only the Slovak Foreign Ministry has responded to the questions raised in the case, confirming that Bratislava did not actually send the 750,000 euros, but instead delivered equipment and medical aid to countries in need. The Ministry did not specify which country Slovakia supported, from what and to what extent.

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In addition, new proposals have been made.
