Coronavirus: A Shocking Forecast for Hungary from US Epidemic Shapers


According to American epidemiologists, 500 people could die every day in Hungary by the end of March, and the numbers will decline more seriously only towards the end of June, cites

Photo: MTI Photo / Zsolt Czeglédi

According to epidemic modeling experts at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), with the support of the Bill Gates Foundation, more people in Hungary could become infected and die in the third wave of the epidemic than ever before.

According to his forecast, 500 people could die every day in Hungary due to the coronavirus by the end of March, and more than forty thousand people could die from the epidemic in July, but in a very serious case, the data is close to fifty thousand. inconceivable.

According to his calculations, the epidemic may peak in Hungary in early April and, in the best of cases, the numbers will decline dramatically towards the end of June; you can read on the portal.

Click on the image to enlarge it! (Photo: IHME)
