Gábor Zacher: it’s scary that whole families are coming


Due to the latest mutations in the coronavirus, more and more people are being hospitalized, covid classes are filling up fast, and capacity is running low. It is terrifying that complete families are also arriving, father, mother and son are in another hospital – it results from the report of Gábor Zacher to 168. The toxicologist must inform patients three to four or more per day that they will be connected to a ventilator and that they may never wake up again.

In the covid ward of Hatvan Hospital, a third of the patients are young people between 30 and 40 years old, and more and more. Almost every half hour during a 24-hour ambulance shift, there was an alert of “suspected Covid” or “confirmed deterioration of Covid,” Zacher told the newspaper, adding that he had never experienced anything like this in his over thirty-five. years. -Year of career. You should tell three, four, or more patients a day that they will be on a ventilator and that they may never wake up again.

“We have to explain to people that we put them on a ventilator and that they could die if they speak softly a few hours before the visit,” Zacher said.

It’s a harrowing sight of him sitting on the edge of the bed, the oxygen tube dangling from him and struggling to breathe, and then he might have to be hooked up to a ventilator in an hour. And his chances of survival are not very, very good, “added Zacher, who also cited a specific case.” Before someone connects to a respirator, we put them to sleep. I used to ask him to tell. The patient began to count, and instead of ‘one, two’ and three, he asked, ‘I’m not going to die, am I? ‘I am already an older child. Saying no, it would not have been ethical, so I said, “You can be sure I’m going to do everything I can to improve.” take it off the fan, “he said.

In addition to the extreme workload, the toxicologist also spoke about the difficulties of treating family members, saying how excruciatingly difficult it is to report a death over the phone, but from time to time.

The interview also reveals that although he had previously had concerns about the Sinopharm vaccine in China, that has changed.

I have to sprinkle my head with ashes because I can see what the latest variants of the virus are causing. A week ago I even said that I would not vaccinate with the Chinese, but now I have to say that with that too! Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate above all!

In one half of the balance there is a coronavirus, pneumonia, subsequent complications, a ventilator and death, and in the other there are five vaccines that provide protection, he explained.

Gábor Zacher considers it a big mistake to deal with new employment contracts at the beginning of the third wave. He put it this way, if everything had been thought out now and given a summer or early fall deadline for signing, it would have deterred many more from resigning.
