Index – National – If the Chinese vaccine were harmful, the immunologist said it would have been revealed


Karoly Reim

2021.03.08. 18:57

Immunologist Kristóf Nékám is pleased to recommend the Chinese vaccine, as there is a population experience behind it that, if it had had negative consequences, would have jumped based on the data. said the expert of the ATV News.


In terms of vaccination, Hungary is at the forefront of Europe

We are doing well in light of the latest data.

He said everyone should wear a mask until there is a 60 to 70 percent vaccine. Until then, there is no other way than to physically avoid the virus.

The expert says: we have not encountered such a challenge in this generation, personal encounters are an integral part of Western culture, we are not used to reducing them.


Fero the Great was vaccinated, not with anything

He was unable to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine.

I added: if it is necessary to toughen it further, if the infectious situation requires it, it should be done. The tightening is partly a political problem, but on it, politics and health professionals must work together, the immunologist said.


Zacher: Health is not going to fail because we are not leaving

Now there are no slaps, now there is work because whole families come to class, “he added.
