The scandal is rude: Coronavirus data falsified by influential American politician accused of sexual harassment


He was the first man in New York to be involved in a bullying scandal

Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic governor of New York, has served as state governor since 2011 and was re-elected for the third time in 2018.

During the coronavirus epidemic, it received significant attention from the national media, as New York was one of the focal points of infection in the United States and its methods of dealing with the epidemic were widely praised.

Cuomo considers his own epidemic policy so successful that he has also written a book on fighting the coronavirus, “The American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic.”

In addition, the name of the politician emerged as a possible justice minister under the Biden government, but ultimately he was not appointed and some began to reflect that the Politicians use national popularity to run for the Senate or even for the presidency in the next few years.

It really looks like the beginning of the year 2021 will throw a wrench into the machinery of Cuomo’s national ambitions. In the last weeks

Women lined up in front of the public, accusing Andrew Cuomo of sexually harassing them.

Charlotte Bennett, 25, his former aide, was reportedly called into office by the governor last summer and told that she was lonely and needed a girlfriend. He tried to defend himself by considering himself too young for the 64-year-old politician, who told him he was “over 22 years old.”

Lindsey Boylan, 36, who was Cuomo’s economic advisor from 2015 to 2018, says she was harassed in 2017 by the governor after playing strip poker, who even kissed and grabbed her without her permission.

Anna Ruch, 33, met Cuomo at a wedding where the governor grabbed her around the waist after a brief conversation and asked if he could kiss her. The incident was also corroborated by an eyewitness.

Cuomo initially denied all charges, then apologized within days for his “callousness”, but added:

no one was touched without his permission and, in fact, his approach was just “misunderstood.”

He also talked about saying that he gave a kiss and not a kiss, and that was a perfectly accepted form of greeting, but “understand that habits have changed.” He also indicated that he would ask the New York Prosecutor’s Office and the Chief Justice to initiate an independent investigation against him.

Women accused of sexual harassment are not happy with the apology, Lindsey Boyan said that she does not even ask for redress for what happened, she just wants other women not to get in such an uncomfortable situation. The New York Democratic Party leadership and senator initially said they thought Cuomo had expressed sincere remorse, no more was needed, and then they had to withdraw soon.

Scandal deepens: governor accused of falsifying data

In late January, a study was completed on the number of deaths associated with coronavirus infection in New York State, with rather surprising results:

the New York City government reported in its official statistics nearly 50% less than actual death rates in nursing homes through mid-summer.

The investigation was conducted by the New York prosecutor’s office, and revealed that the state had not reported the deaths of about 9,000 people as of July alone.

Materials obtained by the New York Times even shed light on that.

The decision was intentional: Governor Cuomo’s senior advisers were instructed to cover up thousands of deaths from coronavirus.

The governor also spoke on this matter: claimed the death numbers were hidden because they feared President Trump would initiate some sort of procedure against the Democratic-led state of New York.

The test material does not reveal whether Cuomo himself gave instructions for data manipulation, but according to anonymous New York Times sources. According to them, the politician asked his advisers to change the data in several closed-door meetings,

According to anonymous sources, he did everything to build himself and his status in the eyes of the national and international community as a pioneer in the fight against the pandemic.

About 47,500 coronaviruses have died in New York so far, according to official figures, the authenticity of which has become highly questionable now that the tampering has been revealed.

It does not give up, but how to proceed is questionable.

The governor was also attacked by the progressive wing of his own party and by the Republicans, and there were minor demonstrations against him in New York. One of Cuomo’s top virus advisers, Gareth Rhodes, resigned over the scandal and the two-day emergency press conferences were also missed. Also deprived the governor of New York of his extraordinary powers and called for his resignation, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, head of the state Senate.

Despite a series of scandals and harsh echoes, the politician has indicated that he will not resign, he will initiate a legal process against him if he wants to leave.

It is not yet clear whether Cuomo will remain governor of New York, but the scandals that erupted in 2021 are sure to seriously hurt his long-term political career. They are also likely to have an impact on your turnout in the November 2022 government elections, which you may not be able to win this way, even if you retain your seat until then.

Andrew Cuomo, as a pioneer in the fight against the coronavirus, wanted to build political capital, there were those who thought that he could even try a presidential nomination in 2024, or rather in the elections of 2028. The fact that it turned out that he probably falsified the statistics mortality from coronavirus could completely destroy the myth deliberately built around it and, therefore, the future of his local and national political ambitions has also become highly doubtful.

Cover image: David Dee Delgado / Getty Images
