Index – National – Coronavirus: new number of hospital admissions


After official information has never reported as many new infected and hospitalized or ventilated patients as on Sunday, March 6, 2021, koronaví ​​announced that

The number of recently infected people was 6,201, which has increased the number of infected people identified to a total of 466,017 since the beginning of the epidemic.

Most of the 108 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths to 15,873.

The number of people cured is currently 335,512, but the number of active people has also increased to 114,632.

7,445 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 778 of whom are on ventilators. the number of the latter has increased by 27 since yesterday.

By the way, we are dangerously approaching the capacity limit of intensive care units: as Béla Merkely said earlier, at the same time, 800 hospitals can provide really good care to Hungarian hospitals, after which the quality of care necessarily decreases, as the number of patients increases per doctor and nurse.

By the way, there are a total of 2,296 intensive hospital beds available in Hungary, as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán mentioned in his radio interview last Friday. This, by the way, has essentially not changed in a year, not even after the large-scale fan buying campaign.

The vaccination program continues in order, on schedule and on weekends. According to official information, and more and more people found that they could receive AstraZeneca despite the vaccination they stopped.

Almost 400,000 registered seniors are still vaccinated these days in GPs with the Sinopharm and Moderna vaccines and in hospitals with vaccines with the Pfizer vaccine. Vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine alone was suspended, which will take place in the second half of next week, wrote ​​even on Sunday morning.

Due to the increasingly dangerous spread of the infection, the government has ordered an additional hardening for two weeks starting March 8. We have written more about these measures, which bring serious changes in many areas of life, and those who violate the restrictions are subject to these sentences. The government has also quickly withdrawn from not taking care of children in schools, a decree on this has already been published.
