Another decision that affected Hungary was made in Ukraine.


In Ukraine, the real target of depriving dual citizens of office is not the Hungarian minority, yet they will suffer the real harm, said an analyst from the Center for Fundamental Rights on M1.

Ukraine would deprive dual citizens of their posts. Ukrainian President Volodomir Zelensky has already signed a decree that will evaluate citizens with dual citizenship of Ukraine within two months. Later, they would also create a law. The decision would also seriously affect the political representation of Hungarians in Transcarpathia, it was reported in M1 Híradó.

Ukraine intends to grant dual citizenship to member states of the European Union, Ukraine’s foreign minister said on Friday. Despite the peaceful declaration, preliminary information suggests that citizens with dual citizenship could not participate in political decision-making, campaigns, or be members of electoral commissions.

The president of Ukraine has already signed a decree that will assess the number of citizens with dual citizenship, that is, in fact, will entrust the secret service with their inclusion.

The decision poses a serious threat to the political representation of Hungarians in Transcarpathia.

According to the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Ukraine is changing its attitude so far and wants to allow dual citizenship with the European Union and other friendly countries in the future. However, Dmitro Kuleba also pointed out that, as he himself said, there will be some restrictions to prevent abuse.

The minister, however, did not speak of it.

in reality, exceptions may spell the end of the political representation of national minorities.

At least that follows from the decree now signed by the Ukrainian head of state.

According to the decision, the number of people with dual nationality in the country will soon be estimated, according to the press, and special attention will be paid to those who hold state and political positions. According to the draft, local government employees, members of election commissions and election observers cannot have dual citizenship, cannot campaign in local and national elections, nor can they be members of political parties.Correspondent Mihály Debreceni.

Hungarian minority will suffer deprivation of dual citizenship in Ukraine

Zoltán Koskovics was asked about the fact that in Ukraine, citizens with dual citizenship are planned to be surveyed and they are prohibited by law from holding higher positions. It was said on the show that a procedure is also planned that would prohibit dual citizenship.

The expert said about the M1:

There are many little kings in Ukraine and they fight each other for influence and power.

Changes to dual citizenship may seem necessary because of the fight against the Russians, but “living with suspicion” is that the real reason is the fight against the oligarchs.

According to Zoltán Koskovics, this is not communicated by the Ukrainian state, because if the main objective is to abolish the oligarchic system, then “the objectives must be kept in the dark”, otherwise the oligarchs will unite and the presidency of Volodymyr Zelensky “will end” . “.

He believes that although the country emphasizes the importance of opening up to the West, the Ukrainian political-economic elite is probably aware that the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration is currently unrealistic, the country is not in a position to become a member of any European Union or NATO.

When asked what harm the planned change could do to the Hungarians of Transcarpathia, the analyst said:

While the real target is not the Hungarian minority, they will suffer the real damage.

He added that Ukrainians do not take into account the difficulties that the planned change will cause to Ukrainian citizens of Hungarian trans-Carpathian origin.

On the suggestion that the planned change should not be used to weaken Ukraine, Zoltán Koskovics said: Ukraine is in a very serious conflict with Russia, the territorial integrity and the integrity of the country are in real danger, and it should not be condemned that these I want to protect it step by step.

However, the expert does not consider this communication sincere,

because, in his opinion, it is mainly an internal political struggle of Ukraine.

The Hungarian minority of 100-150 thousand cannot threaten the territorial integrity of Ukraine, he claimed, drawing attention to the fact that the leaders of the Hungarian minority often say they have no such ambition.

Cover photo illustration.
