Gergely Karácsony presented the development plan for Budapest until 2027


Due to the epidemic situation, the urban development strategy containing the vision of the capital until 2027, the Home in Budapest, will be increased, which includes the establishment of the housing agency of the capital, with the active participation of the people of Budapest. . the number of green areas per capita. rusted areas, a reduction in fatal traffic accidents – the document Gergely Christmas presented by the mayor.

In 2020, the people of Budapest were able to express their opinion in various ways about which city they want to live in. 90 percent of those surveyed considered transparency of public affairs to be an important aspect, and 88 percent also considered it possible to express their opinion on the affairs of the capital, the mayor’s office writes in a statement. According to the mayor, the time for top-down and directed, often grandiose and selfish infrastructure developments that are detrimental to the interests of the people, has come to an end, with the help of the people of Budapest.

“The politics of a really good city is not about prestige investments, it is about people: where the walk in a park should lead, what the slide should be like in a playground, how to save it and what function does it have to provide a cool warehouse in the rust zone. Christmas remembered.

The document, which covers the medium-term vision of the capital and the path leading to it, offers a solution to many of Budapest’s serious problems. These include moving to an agglomeration, housing problems that affect not just the poorest, often with extremely poor air quality, or unfortunate traffic conditions – the average Budapest driver spends a full week a year getting lost in traffic jams. traffic, or is the occurrence of a fatal traffic accident. on the roads of the capital every week. That is why it is a priority in the Home in Budapest program to halve the number of accidents with serious or fatal injuries, as well as to reduce the ecological footprint of the city. To alleviate housing problems, the capital is creating its own housing agency, among other measures: the goal is to have at least 2,500 flats managed by 2027 by an institution that provides users with social rental housing. The capital also wants to have 50,000 new homes built in seven years, mostly in areas that are now brownfields, to provide a decent and affordable home for everyone who wants to live here.

Filling the rusted areas with new life is repeated in the strategy, for example in the case of the weaving tram Pest: it passes through several abandoned industrial areas, connecting them with the rest of the city. Also part of the plans are to renovate the docks, make them more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, and expand green spaces in general: by the end of the decade, each Budapest will be richer with an additional 1 square meter of green space. per person.

Although the renovation of the Tabán was carried out with the involvement of the community in the same way as the community planning of the Roman Coast, according to Christmas, the strategy until 2027 can really prevail if the inhabitants of the city have a voice not only in planning but also implementation. According to the mayor, 90 percent of people born in Budapest will implement the projects based on the document, which, like the strategy as a whole, will be adapted to the EU budget cycle.

The bottleneck is material: resource planning for the EU’s next seven-year financial cycle has yet to be completed, the full effects of the crisis that accompanied the pandemic are not yet known, and the government has yet to launch. Wide consultation on HUF 5.472 million aid to Hungary is a prerequisite for taking advantage of the available framework, the communication states.
