An important additional rule for restrictive measures has also appeared


Gergely Gulyás announced on Saturday afternoon that, at the request of local governments, the government would provide childcare in kindergartens and schools starting Monday. Consequently, it is included in the Saturday bulletin. “Government Decree 111/2021 (III. 6.) on the care of children during the temporary tightening of protection measures” Regulation.

According to the first paragraph of this

  • “(1) in kindergartens and schools – during the extraordinary break in kindergartens and extracurricular digital work schedule introduced in primary schools in accordance with Government Decree 104/2021 (III. 5.) on the temporary tightening of protection measures – At the request of a parent or legal representative, the director of the institution will ensure the organization of the nursery for children and students.
  • (2) The request for the legal representative of the parents pursuant to paragraph 1 may be submitted electronically to the director of the institution.

“The Government, given that the extraordinary preschool breaks for parents to protect themselves from the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic and the transition from elementary schools to digital work outside the classroom is an extra effort, it is another challenge, but given that The epidemic is also spreading in educational institutions: calls on parents to provide childcare in accordance with Article 1 (1) only in the most necessary cases; – in particular, work, participation in defense – will be used, “says the decree. The regulation will go into effect on March 8.

The government’s decision on childcare is an understandable and justified move, especially in light of the fact that many workers involved in protection (such as healthcare workers) could not otherwise accommodate their children during the shutdown. of kindergartens and schools.

The other regulation “Government Decree 112/2021 (III. 6.) on the reintroduction of certain procedural measures in force during an emergency” the title was given. This decree regulates the administration of justice and civil litigation as of March 8, which we have already written about here.

The regulation on a new set of restrictive measures was published on Friday, but a recent bulletin has since been published on Friday night:

Cover image source: MTI / Zsolt Szigetváry
