Gergely Gulyás: that’s why the government ordered fewer Modern vaccines


According to Gulyás, there are four categories of vaccine recalls in the EU:

  1. Initial (normal)
  2. Optional
  3. To complete
  4. Optional recharge

Of both the “initial” and “optional” doses, 80 million were available to Member States, for a total of 160 million. Based on the principle of sharing between Member States Hungary had the opportunity to buy the same number of doses in the first category as in the second (double the 1,744,000) for a total of 3,488,000 items..

Vaccines in the “Optional” category can arrive at the earliest in the third quarter (page 15 of the contract signed by the Commission), at which time the vaccine necessary to fully vaccinate the entire population over 18 years of age will already be available to through other purchases.

However, the actual performance is also worse than the contracted one. This is supported by Modern delivery schedule, showing that they will not be delivered to Hungary in the fourth quarter only, so even the vaccine that belongs to the first (initial) category can be obtained only in the third trimester. By then, our vaccine will remain even if all Hungarians of legal age use the option of voluntary vaccination.

(Incidentally, the table also shows that, for presumably similar reasons, no other EU Member State has made use of the option.

Gergely Gulyás also shared the tables mentioned in his post:
