The court issued an arrest warrant for Zoltán Kenesei


The Metropolitan Court issued an arrest warrant With Zoltán Kenesei in contrast, Blikk noted in the list of circles on The roundabout was issued by the prison team of the Metropolitan Court for bribery against the former midfielder. This could mean that the former footballer has not voluntarily complied with any sanction that has been imposed on him.

Kenese, who also plays for the MTK, Szeged and Nyíregyháza teams, was arrested in 2011 and spent 22 months in advance.

In the case of the manipulated REAC parties between 2007 and 2009, he was also convicted in 2017, receiving a year in suspended prison and a fine of HUF 500,000. He was also convicted in the first instance in connection with the sold-out Eger meetings, but did not have to go to prison for either case.

But there was also an investigation into a third thread against Kenesei and his associates when international matches were rigged on charges.
