The fact that someone wears two face masks hardly adds to the already high degree of protection that you get with a single device. And it is not recommended to stack non-textile masks.

The use of two masks does not offer much more protection against the coronavirus than a single mask used correctly, a Japanese supercomputer has found.

Researchers from the Riken Research Institute and Kobe University used the Fugaku supercomputer to model the flow of virus particles from people wearing different types and combinations of masks. Experts have found that a single surgical mask inhibits the inhalation of virus particles with 85 percent effectiveness when properly placed on the face. However, a polyurethane mask used in a surgical mask increases efficiency by only 89 percent, he wrote. MTI.

Wearing two non-textile masks one on top of the other is not effective due to the “air resistance” that develops due to leakage at the edges.

According to the study, N95-labeled medical masks provide the most protection against infection, followed by surgical masks, then textiles, and finally polyurethane masks.

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The results partly contradict the recent recommendation from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The experts at the center of their laboratory experiment placed two artificial heads six feet (about 180 centimeters) from each other. distance and examined how many corona virus-sized particles that were released into the air when one of them coughed. Wearing a single mask, whether surgical or textile, has been found to prevent approximately 40 percent of the particles that are spread towards us from being inhaled. When a textile mask was placed over a surgical mask, the two stopped inhaling 80 percent of the particles.

According to US experts, if used correctly, a textile mask worn over a surgical mask can reduce the space at the edges of the mask where virus particles can enter the body.

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