Are you waiting to get vaccinated? 74,000 Hungarians will soon receive important text messages


The text messages are sent by Vaccine Info and include the place and time of the vaccination and if the vaccination is with AstraZeneca. The message asks everyone to present themselves accurately at the vaccination point and, if they can, bring a printable statement of consent from

The SMS will draw your attention to the fact that if someone cannot show up at the specified time, they will only have the opportunity to get vaccinated at a later date.

The national medical director, Cecília Müller, said on Wednesday in a briefing of the operative strain responsible for controlling the coronavirus epidemic that 74,000 chronic patients between the ages of 18 and 60 are scheduled to be vaccinated in hospitals with vaccines with the vaccine. AstraZeneca on Saturday and Sunday. Those affected will be notified via SMS on Thursday.

The national chief physician asked those who receive the sms to arrive with precision and preparation. Bring your personal identification documents, TAJ card, the consent form downloaded from koronaví ​​and then complete. He also suggested that those involved dress in a practical way, have water and be edible for diabetics.

He said that the notified did not respond to the sms, in fact he is a “caller”.

According to information from Cecília Müller this Thursday, 250,000 of chronic patients between 18 and 59 years old have so far registered for the coronavirus vaccine and 114,000 have already received it. On Saturday and Sunday, more than 70,000 more people will be vaccinated at the vaccination points of the hospitals.

According to information from the national medical chief, the vaccines will be administered at 433 vaccination points in 101 hospitals during the weekend from eight in the morning to seven in the afternoon, preparing to receive twelve people per hour in one place. The vaccination campaign involves 600 doctors and 1,200 nurses, he said.

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