The smiling Andrew Fekete-Győr is a coward at court


András Fekete-Győr only talks about a cheap smoke candle in a lawsuit, which he “dropped” between two police lines, although a video recording shows that he threw a smoke grenade at the police. He says that he always takes responsibility for his actions. , but this time it does not seem, “writes the Hungarian Nation. He is smiling cowardly.

András Fekete-Győr, president of the Momentum, and his party partner and accomplice, Szarvas Koppány Bendegúz, sat on the defendant’s dock with the position of the first offender, according to the Hungarian Nation. According to the indictment, in 2018 the police line was fired with smoke grenades in Kossuth Square, Szarvas even fought and used spray gas. At least he did not want to trivialize what happened at the trial, although he denied that he had committed a crime.

However, despite his earlier promise, Fekete-Győr did not take the consequences. – writes the Hungarian Nation.

He also affirmed on the first day of the evidentiary process that, as a politician and as a citizen, he assumes responsibility for all his actions. “I did not commit any crime, my behavior was not violent and I did not stop the police from doing their job,” he said.

András Fekete-Győr in 2018 at the Kossuth squareSource: [email protected]/Horpaczi David

According to the indictment, Fekete-Győr threw a purple smoke grenade at the police line protecting Parliament, and the smoke obstructed their view and movement. The chairman of the accused party Momentum had previously spoken of a smoke candle available for a few florins. And at trial, answering a prosecutor’s question, he held back for the first time to

With a “triple drop” he placed the candle that he thought was between the walls of the row,

however, when asked by the prosecutor how he knew for sure that he would not hit anyone with it, he replied, “I threw him behind the wall of the line on purpose.”

The president of the extremist Liberal Party, which has allied with Gyurcsány and Jobbik, among others, mistook the courtroom for the location of a political rally, starting with a lush vegetable garden as a defense or rather to divert the legal maneuver, but the The judge said he wanted an apolitical trial. President of the Momentum

he was unable to answer most of the questions asked.

All he said was that the protesters had pyrotechnic devices, but he no longer remembered who he specifically got the smoke grenade from, which he then threw at the police.

András Fekete-Győr, by the way, had a law degree, although he worked only a negligible amount of time in his profession, but it follows from his qualifications that he was able to understand at the hearing at the latest – the court could eventually convict him. . So he could sit in the courtroom, visibly scared.

The evidentiary process of the case will continue on May 12.
