Index – National – The opposition talks about the darkest day of all time


Regarding the change in the legal health relationship, the non-signing of the new treaties will not significantly modify the communication between the government and the opposition focused on the electoral campaign. While the joint statement of the six opposition parties (DK, Jobbik, LMP, Momentum, MSZP, Dialogue) is essentially about a “desperately incompetent government” trying to force a negative and damaging decision that has not been substantially agreed with the sector. , simply to In the midst of a pandemic, when a new and stronger wave of epidemics broke out than before, Fidesz’s announcement with the rabbit tail, in response to this, practically threw back a decade ago how many hospital closures and wage deprivations of a month he had been on the left.

Meanwhile, patients are trying to get care and health workers who end up signing up are saving lives on a daily basis in as yet unknown conditions.

In the six-party opposition communiqué, the parties also demand that the government immediately restore the civil service status of health workers, or at least postpone the deadline for signing new contracts until after the end of the epidemic of coronavirus. In addition, the Cabinet should initiate substantive negotiations with health workers and their advocacy organizations. The parties also claim that “the government now wants to deceive the sweaty healthcare workers who save lives on the front line.”

Furthermore, they also emphasize that in addition to causing medical care to operate at the limit of its capacity, the government also endangers the safety and survival of Hungarian families.

The parties, already half an eye on 2022, close the announcement with a drop of hope that if there is a change of government next year, the new government will restore the previous status of health workers.

DK’s standalone announcement went one step further, in which dr. László Imre Budapest XI. mayor of the district, and at the same time, according to the party’s assessment, the Orbán government

With a decade of austerity and the now harmful and ill-thought-out amendment to the law, it has now virtually toppled healthcare.

At today’s press conference on Facebook, the politician said: “Hungarians will be left without attention because Fidesz passed a law without listening to doctors and health workers. We Hungarians will pay for this when we don’t get care. “

According to him, this is the most irresponsible and dangerous flaw in the existence of the Orbán system.

By the way, Ferenc Gyurcsány himself addressed the change of legal status on Tuesday in various social media posts. In a more measured tone compared to his party, he said in the afternoon:

Today is the darkest day of all time in public health.

The party president said that he was going through some dramatic days in the field of health, while asking his followers to thank everyone in the sector who had attended us. He said, “It’s a shame they’re doing this to you, to us.” But he also closed the line with a call for a change of government.

Gergely Karácsony, on the other hand, did not hold back at all on social media:

Endangering health care security in the midst of a devastating epidemic? What irresponsible and stupid government policy is this ?!

In his Facebook note, he demanded that the government immediately, preferably today, withdraw the measure that jeopardized safe patient care.

He said:

there can be no settlement, there can be no hospital, there can be no clinic where medical care is at risk due to a poorly prepared and improperly implemented government measure. “

According to the mayor, this government often suffers from the misconception that it is a sign of weakness to see if it has stabbed something, but now would be the time to dare to be weak. The politician also drew everyone’s attention to the fact that due to the intensification of the epidemic, we should all be sane, but above all, the government should come to mind, but immediately.

Representative Lajos Rig, who volunteered as an ambulance in the first wave of the epidemic on behalf of Jobbik, asked very embarrassing questions in parliament. He was mainly interested in the change deadline, which he considered Black Health Day, which

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He said:

It’s a shame that while healthcare workers are being laid off across the country today, entire hospital wards are in jeopardy, government ranks are empty.

The parliamentarian also found it shameful that health workers had put themselves in a precarious position in the midst of an epidemic, and that decision makers were not interested in their views during the last hour. “Like your opinion, so is patient care,” he added.

Fidesz reacted

In the early afternoon, Fidesz also responded to allegations of a collapse in healthcare and an opposition statement from six parties. The party says that what the left is doing is so false. The ruling party considered it important to underline that

Gyurcsany and the left are talking about health workers who, under their mandate, closed hospitals in a row, took thousands of doctors and nurses to the streets and expelled them from the country. “

According to Fidesz’s assessment, those who were not fired were employed for humiliatingly low wages and even deprived of a month’s salary. As they wrote, the left deliberately cut back on public health care because it wanted to introduce paid health care and wanted to do business with patients.

The mass layoffs were cited as fake news, the vast majority of Hungarian health workers accepted the legal relationship of the health service, more than 95 percent of them signed the contract. At the same time, there is the largest increase in medical and nursing salaries of all time, the announcement concludes.

At the end of the day, the Minister of Health, Miklós Kásler, also intervened. In a video also uploaded to Facebook, he highlighted:

Hungarian medical care was not, is not and will not be in danger.

The biggest difficulty, he says, right now is that people are tired of last year’s epidemic.
