The well-known neurosurgeon is campaigning for the Chinese vaccine in a short video, having previously asked the medical chamber for an ethical investigation against his colleagues, who said they are destabilizing people on oriental vaccines.

According to András Csókay, his medical colleagues also discredit the public about vaccines that have been tested and approved by state health institutions.

Shows Maria Radio In a video posted on his Facebook page, he explains that the Chinese vaccine contains a dead virus made with traditional technology, a centuries-old, proven and well-executed technique.

“He didn’t save hundreds of thousands, not millions, but hundreds of millions, just think about smallpox. The Ebola virus vaccine was developed with this technology, which was also used for mass vaccination after the completion of the first two phases ”.

According to him, in such a case, the completion of the third phase studies is not a requirement according to science and bioethics, as this only models efficiency a little and cannot fundamentally change it.

Csókay encourages everyone to “protect ourselves and our Hungarian brothers and sisters” to get vaccinated.

“No matter how GPs or colleagues from other medical professions try to dissuade you from this, they are probably misinformed, perhaps politically over-motivated, let’s not listen to these siren sounds. God bless you! “- Close the video Csókay.

Csókay on Sunday at Hungarian nationIn a letter published in 2006, he asked the president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK), Gyula Kincses, to launch an ethical investigation against doctors who feel insecure about vaccinating patients with Chinese and Russian vaccines. According to him, “some Hungarian GPs, violating their Hippocratic oath, leading to their ignorance or revenge for the successful work of the government, significantly hamper the success of the fight against the epidemic, overcoming it, seriously violating the Code of Ethics of the Medical Chamber Hungarian “.

The Bureau of the Chamber responded to his letter. In this, they emphasize that in all the statements of the MOK presidency, in order to maintain provaccination and professional and public confidence in vaccines, until now it has advocated for clear, transparent communication and strict adherence to professional principles. . According to them, “the general medical school is on the side of vaccines with great dedication and a lot of work, a negative general opinion cannot be justified”. It is claimed that the MOK treats the vaccine issue as a purely professional matter and, regardless of the political aspect, condemns all politically motivated statements about vaccines.

Csókay is recommended to contact his territorially competent organization in accordance with the MOK code of ethics if he wishes to initiate an ethical procedure.

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