Index – National – Murder of reading the new Hungarian graduation?


Regarding changes affecting exam requirements, Péter Horváth, president of the National Faculty of Teachers, said on the question of the Index that it would divide the innovations into two parts. Most of those published in the Gazette are technical in nature, refer to the structure of the graduation and differ from one topic to another in what they mean.

In the case of science subjects, the practical part of the oral exams does not require an experiment, this can be triggered by presenting a project and analyzing it, and the committee can ask questions about it.

In the case of foreign languages, its oral role is increasing, more points can be scored with it than before.

I think this is basically the right direction. Although writing is a more objective genre, in the case of foreign languages, communication is paramount.

– thinks Péter Horváth.

Programming is embedded in digital culture, which makes IT maturity more serious and difficult in its content. There will also be creative work on site in visual culture (as a maiden name: drawing).

Apart from the techniques, there is no official change in the specific content, for example, the National Faculty of Teachers had to comment on the plans before Wednesday, but the Hungarian Teachers Association did not receive this document in advance, although they were involved in the history.

The Office of Education gave the following response to our question in this regard: “The Ministry sent the detailed requirements of the graduation examination to the College of National Teachers for a preliminary opinion. This will be followed by a broader range of opinions, in which they will be able to comment on a more mature document. “

What about the Hungarian?

The Hungarian Teachers Association has been heavily criticized, including the 80-year retirement. At the request of our article, the vice president, György D. Fenyő, summarized the most important developments related to literature. There will be a 20-point “literary worksheet” that, in your opinion, is at odds with modern competency development:

In addition to incorporating a large amount of facts and data, there is no time to fall in love with reading and understanding texts, although that would be the most important goal. In this concept, instead of the depth principle, the latitude principle prevails, instead of understanding depth, students can only have a superficial overview.

Pine said.

On the contrary, the reasoning and practical writing were eliminated. In this last type of task, it was necessary to use genres that also occur in everyday life, such as writing a motivation letter.

According to the association, reasoning is also a skill that everyone in a democracy needs, so that we can defend our position and thus have the ability to understand the arguments of others. The elimination of the comparative analysis of art is also considered a delicate point, it was an option in literature, here children had to interpret specific texts in front of them.

However, the “topic essay” was included. They find it difficult to reach, and according to Fenyő, they will probably have to account for their literary literacy without having a text, so they will only be able to send writings based on the elements of knowledge and analysis of art that have remained in their memory.

Another important change is that four new authors have been added (Attila József, Petőfi, Arany, Ady, Babits, Kosztolányi): Jókai, Mikszáth, Vörösmarty and Ferenc Herczeg, the latter being one of the most popular writers of the Horthy era.

This is a problem because it overloads the time frame and also has to deal with complete works, which require the interpretation of several works, along with the trajectory of the authors and different periods.

– explains Fenyő, according to whom, for example, the XIX. Vörösmarty in the 20th century is a much more difficult task to read and understand than it was in the 20th century. Kosztolányi century.

We consider the inclusion of Ferenc Herczeg totally unjustified due to his work and literary appreciation.

He adds.

Another innovation that is believed to be correct is the inclusion of cross-border literature, but it is incomprehensible why this only means writers from Transylvania, the south and Transcarpathia, not mountain people and western emigrants for some reason.


Péter Horváth, president of the National Pedagogical Faculty, commented on the criticisms that he did not want to discuss them with any of the organizations, nor was he a professor from Hungary, but added that

I do not like to say so much and bet on how many years of setbacks, I feel a strong exaggeration for such statements. Of course, there are arguments for and against either version, but I don’t think any change is bad.

He does not consider it probable, for example, that the literary literacy test consists exclusively of names and years. He pointed

if it were, I would protest against it myself, but I don’t think there is any anti-modernizing intention in the minds of those who have developed it.

Horváth also revealed to our question that they do not know when content changes can be accepted after their opinion, but these must be registered two years before the start of the first relevant exams. Under the regulation, it will be introduced from 2023 to 2024, so for the first time in 2024 they will graduate accordingly.

The Rector of the Faculty of Education is particularly pleased to be informed not only of the requirements in 2022, because graduation also has an impact on the path to it, and it is important that educators know what to put more emphasis on throughout years.
