Tatabánya hospital may collapse, doctors leave


All public medical employees in the St. Barbara Hospital emergency department have resigned, Zsombor Kunetz wrote on his Facebook page. The health expert also drew the consequence: the hospital was inoperative.

Several people left radiology, including the head of the department, two residents remained in cardiology in addition to the chief doctor, there is also a problem with nephrology, there are hardly any doctors left, nurses remain in psychiatry – Index.hu cites the mail

Health workers must sign a new employment contract before midnight on March 1, which will allow them to transition to health service and continue working in community care. Previously, for example, doctors from Debrecen and Nyíregyháza protested against the signing of the new contract, as the employees were not clear on several points. On Monday, Gyula Kincses said on the show titled Kibeszélő that the system still needs to be refined.

Meanwhile, the lights in the intensive care unit at St. Imre Hospital in Budapest have already been turned off. Staff from the institution’s intensive care unit said goodbye on Facebook.
