
Agnes Szucs (EUrologus)

Under the name of Digital Green Certificate, the European Commission will present its draft vaccine passport in March. But the entire EU plan could be thwarted if the Hungarian government does not provide data on the type of vaccination.

“We will present our bill on the Digital Green Certificate later this month,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on Twitter. The post also mentioned that the online document will certify that

if the owner has been vaccinated against the coronavirus or, if not, if they have a valid PCR test or have already suffered from the disease.

Von der Leyen also spoke about the plan on Thursday, following a video conference of EU heads of state and government. At the time, he promised that the EU system linking national health databases would be ready in three months, by June, and that the code numbers would also be used to record who had been vaccinated by which manufacturer.

However, the European system would be based on the provision of data by national authorities, so it could cause serious disruptions if Hungary did not submit data on which pharmaceutical company received the product according to government regulation over the weekend. As is the case with the fact that some Hungarian citizens have received a Russian or Chinese vaccine not authorized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), as Poland, for example, has already stated that only those vaccinated with the vaccine in the whole EU they would be admitted to the EU and of course other Member States can argue this way when designing the European system.

Although in recent weeks the European Commission has insisted in its official communication that the vaccination certificate can only be used for health purposes in the first instance, two relevant spokespersons already spoke at the press conference on Monday that the certificate facilitates the free movement of people. . This is an important difference because the EU practically only has an advisory role in the health policies of the Member States, while it has serious powers in the flow of people to ensure the proper functioning of the common market, but in this case the Member States and the European Parliament must also adopt the Commission’s legislative proposal.

In addition, the decision will require the opinion of the EMA on whether the vaccinated individuals are carriers of the virus and whether there is a difference between the vaccines in this regard.

But not only the administration of the Hungarian vaccine can cause problems around European certifications, but also the unequal situation that a vaccine passport would create. In fact, no matter what von der Leyen claims, the system will not differentiate between those vaccinated and those not vaccinated, the immunity of free double needle stick and unnecessary, costly and repetitive PCR testing. Not to mention that the vaccination plans of most European countries have anticipated the elderly, while a significant proportion of working age and young people will only take place in the summer, and such a choice could represent a serious political risk for any European government.

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