Index – National – Can new restrictions appear in Hungary?


Ágnes Galgóczi, head of the epidemiology department of the National Center for Public Health, allowed on Friday on Hír TV the possibility of further hardening when she spoke about

it is necessary to reduce the meeting of the communities, we have not held events for a long time, but for example, the opening hours of the stores could be limited to a period of two weeks leaving only grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, vital post offices opened. I think it would be justified since there are people in the shopping centers. Even such a short closing period can bring serious results.

Galgóczi also spoke of schools, according to epidemiological data, the infection is also spreading strongly among children, so it would be worth considering that for a short time the lower grades would also pass to digital education. According to the expert, two weeks would be of great help:

A period of two weeks would be sufficient now, during which we could move very quickly with the vaccines. Therefore, this would be effective and serve to curb the epidemic.

If we complement the suggestions of the head of the NNK department with the fact that, according to Viktor Orbán, we are facing the two most difficult weeks of the epidemic, it is not ruled out that at least until vaccination is accelerated.

This was confirmed at today’s press conference by operational staff, CEO Cecília Müller, who sees that if the trend continues, further action may be needed.

Orbán also said that the borders, especially in the case of exotic travel, must be narrow, the prime minister justified it by the appearance of the South African mutation. Apart from this, and apart from Ágnes Galgóczi’s speech, for now we can only guess what new measures may be on the agenda.

Slovakia is tightening right now

The Slovak government decided on Sunday on new measures, most of which will go into effect on Wednesday:

  • People with a positive test cannot leave home unless they go to the doctor. Those who live in the same household as an infected person and are therefore forced to go into quarantine will receive a financial benefit for complying with the rules.
  • There will be a tighter curfew between 8:00 p.m. M. And 1:00 a. M., With the exception of travel, return home and medical treatment.
  • Kindergartens and lower grades of primary schools are open to the children of those who need to go to work. Teachers and students must be evaluated twice a week.
  • As of March 8, the use of the FFP2 mask will be mandatory in public transport and in shops, and as of March 15 they must be worn in all enclosed spaces. A surgical mask is also sufficient for minors.
  • Field trips between districts are prohibited.

An additional measure of the Panorama article is sequencing five hundred PCR positive samples once a week to identify viral mutations.

According to the decision, if the precautionary measures do not yield the expected results in three weeks, an even stricter closure will be introduced, with a significant restriction on community life, commerce and economic activity.

The Czech Republic was also forced to move

The Czech government adopted a further tightening on Friday. Jan HamaCAccording to the Interior Minister, the new restrictions for three weeks from today are as follows:

  • No one is allowed to leave their residential area except for essential trips (for example, going to work).
  • Family members living within the district should also be visited only if they need help.
  • Purchases are only possible within the residential area.
  • Walking and jogging are only allowed during the day, but dogs can be walked at night within a 500-meter radius of the residence.
  • Kindergartens are closing and, like others, the first and second grades of primary schools are moving towards digital education.
  • They are narrowing down the range of stores that may be open, such as stationery stores and children’s clothing stores.
  • Wearing a mask is mandatory everywhere in a residential area, both on the street and at work.

If there is a report, it is very likely to happen on Facebook.

Facebook is Viktor Orbán’s preferred platform to communicate measures related to epidemiological control. The restrictions currently in effect were announced on this interface on November 9, as was the social media choice on March 18 of last year. The latter was the ominous video in which we could see the speaking head of government without sound for minutes.
